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Session Laws, 1832
Volume 547, Page 50   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 49.

sioners, appointed to lay out streets, &c. in the City of Bal-
timore, the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore shall be,
and they are hereby authorized to pass an Ordinance, de-

To close Dawson


claring the said part of Dawson alley to be forever closed
and shut up; and the owners of the ground, over which the
said part of said Alley was laid out, shall thereupon be en-
titled to use and improve their respective portions of the said
ground in the same manner, to all intents and purposes, as
if no Street had ever been located on the same.

Previous notice


Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That before any Ordinance
or Ordinances shall pass as aforesaid for closing Scott
street or Dawson alley, notice for at least one week, of said
application having been made for the closing thereof, res-
pectively, shall be given by the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore by advertisement in all the daily newspapers of
the City of Baltimore; the expense of the said advertise-
ments to be paid by the party or parties who may apply for
the passage of the said Ordinance or Ordinances.


Passed Jan. 20, 1833

An act to Incorporate "The Baltimore Eastern Savings

Persons incorpo-


Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That John S. Gittings, Samuel Williams, Wil-
liam Reaney, Joshua Turner, Richard W. Adams, Town-
send Scott, Samuel Rankin, Alexander Kirkland, William
Loney, Kensey Johns, Thomas Wilson, William G. Harri-
son, B. J. Sanders, John Amos, Jonathan Fitch, David
Steuart, Samuel Barnes, William H. Hanson, Wm. Rusk,
Peter Fenby, Robert Howard, and William Hickley, and all
and every other person or persons who now are or may
hereafter become members of "The Baltimore Eastern
Savings Company," in the manner hereinafter mentioned,

Corporate powers.

shall be, and they are hereby created and made a corpora-
tion and body politic, by the name and style of "The Bal-
timore Eastern Savings Company," and by that name
shall have succession, and may sue and be sued, plead and
be impleaded, answer and defend, and be answered and
defended, in courts of law and equity, or in any other
place whatsoever, and may receive and make all transfers,
contracts, covenants, conveyances, and grants, whatsoever,
and to make, have, and to use a common seal, and the

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Session Laws, 1832
Volume 547, Page 50   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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