Presbyterian Church, in Salisbury in Worcester county,
being the same congregation — Therefore,
Be it enacted, That all the lands and tenements with
their appertenances, now vested in, or held in trust by per-
sons for the use of the said Presbyterian Church at Rocha-
walking, and other property of the said church, shall be,
and are hereby absolutely and unconditionally vested in the
said committee and their successors, forever, for the use of
the said Presbyterian Church, in Salisbury, in Worcester
An act to revive and continue an act, entitled, "An act to
Incorporate the Union Insurance Company of Maryland."
Passed 16, 1833
WHEREAS, it is represented that a revival and continu-
ance of the charter of said Company will tend to facilitate
the recovery of sundry claims for unlawful seizures and de-
predations on the commerce of the United States, during
the late war, between France and other European Powers,
and it appearing reasonable that such facility should be
granted; — Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the act entitled , "an act to incorporate the Union In-
surance Company of Maryland," be revived, and continued
from the expiration of the same, for and during the term of
ten years from the passage of this act, to enable them in
their corporate name to recover all claims, dues, and de-
mands, belonging or in any-wise appertaining to said com-
pany, and to settle finally all the concerns of said company,
the same as if said act had not expired.
An act to authorise the clerk of Harford county, to record the
deed of manumission therein mentioned.
Passed Jan.10, 1833
WHEREAS, it is represented to this general assembly by
the petition of Elizabeth Smith, of Harford county, that
she did manumit and set free her slave, Joseph Lisby, on
the twenty ninth day of August, eighteen hundred and
thirty one, and that from neglect, the deed was not recorded