that vicinity, and the payment of the said damages by the
holders of property in that vicinity, which may be benefited
by opening the said part of the said street; the amounts to
be paid and received to be regulated equitably according
to the proportion of damage or benefit to the said parties
CHAP. 46.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the provisions of this
act shall be of no force or effect, unless approved by the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, at the present or
next annual session.
Their approbation
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That before the said May-
or and City Council shall pass any ordinance or resolution
approving the provisions of this act, they shall first give
public notice of the application which may be made for
the purpose, by advertisements inserted for one week in all
the daily papers of the said city, the expenses of which
advertisements shall be paid by the party or parties mak-
ing the said application.
Public notice re-
An act to dose part of a certain Alley in the town of Ha-
Passed Feb.15,1833
Be it enacted by the. General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Moderator and other Commissioners of the town
of Hagerstown, in Washington county, are hereby autho-
rised and required to close and shut up at both extremities
thereof, that portion of an alley in said town, which ex-
tends from Prospect street to Walnut street, running
through the property of William D. Bell, and touching the
lots of Dr. John Reynolds, Philip Wingert and George
Authority to close.
An act to Incorporate "the Franklin Savings Company of
Passed Jan. 16, 1833
Section 1. Be it enacted, by the General .assembly of
Maryland, That Elias Ellicott, Richard Bevan, Thomas
McKenzie, Anthony Whitely, Nathaniel Munroe, John K.
Rowe, Joseph Davenport, Joshua Dryden, John Robinson,
Alien Paine, John P. McKenzie, William Woody, Jeffer-
Persons incorpora-