Resolution relative to the Armories.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Executive be, and they are hereby authorised to cause
such of the arms as may require it in the different armories
of the state, to be cleaned and put in good order, under the
superintendence of the armourers, so that they may be pre-
served from further injury by rust, and the Treasurer of the
Western Shore, is hereby required to pay to the order of
the Executive, any sum or sums that may be necessary for
that purpose.
Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the several ar-
mourers of the state, after the arms in their respective ar-
mouries shall have been put in good condition, to keep
them so, and defray the expense thereof out of their sala-
ries, and the Adjutant General shall inspect the arms in the
armoury at Annapolis, as now required, and in future shall
cause those in the armouries at Easton and Frederick, also
to be inspected annually, and notice the same in his annu-
al report to the Executive.
Passed March 22