No. 50.
Passed March 3
Resolution in favor of James M. K. Hammett, administra-
tor of Thomas Lynch.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be and he is hereby
authorized and required to pay to James M. K. Hammett,
administrator of Thomas Lynch, or to his order, such sum
as may appear to have been due the said Lynch, on the
thirteenth day of November last, on the pension roll of this
state, being the day of his death.
No. 51.
Passed March 8.
Resolution in favor of William Jones, of Coroline county.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Treasurer of the Western Shore, pay to William Jones, of
Caroline county, or to his order, during life, in quarter year-
ly payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a
private, in consideration of services rendered by said Jones,
during the revolutionary war.
No. 52.
Passed Mar. 5, 1833
Resolution in favour of John Burbridge.
WHEREAS, a certain John Burbridge, of Allegany coun-
ty, on the sixteenth of December, eighteen hundred and
twenty-three, obtained out of the Western Shore Land
Office, a common warrant for two hundred and ninety-four
acres of vacant land, due him in lieu of a warrant for that
quantity, obtained by him the twenty-third of February,
eighteen hundred and twenty-two, for the vacation of a cer-
tificate in said county, which warrant appears never to have
been executed, as appears by a certificate of the Register
of the Land Office, of the eleventh of February, eighteen
hundred and thirty-three, and by the affidavit of John Bur-
bridge, has been lost or mislaid; and now the said John
Burbridge prays a revival of his claim, that he may have
the benefit of his warrant— Therefore,