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Session Laws, 1832
Volume 547, Page 408   View pdf image (33K)
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——— And further resolved, That the Levy court of said coun-
to, be, and they are hereby authorised and required, to levy
on the assessable property of said county, such sum or
sums of money, as may be necessary for the use of the said
Register of Wills, in performing the duties enjoined upon
him by the first resolution; the cost of binding said records
to be included, the same to be collected and paid over as
other county charges are; Provided, that the whole amount
of money thus levied, shall not exceed the sum of seventy-
five dollars.

Resolved also, That an index or alphabet of reference be
annexed to each book of records intended to be bound,
and to any other book or books in the office of the Regis-
ter of Wills, for Kent county, that the orphan's court of
said county may deem to require it, and that said court be,
and they are hereby authorised to direct the Register of
Wills, to do or cause the same to be done, and that they al-
low him a reasonable and proper compensation therefor,
and that the additional sum of twenty-five dollars if found
necesssry, be levied and collected for the purpose, in the
form and manner herein before provided.

No. 47.

Passed March 7.

Resolution relative to the catalogue of the books in the
State Library.

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
two hundred and fifty copies of the catalogue, made out by
the State Librarian, of the books belonging to the State
Library, be printed under the superintendence of the said
Librarian, for the use of the members of the Legislature
and others having access thereto.
Resolved, That the Governor and Council be, and they
are hereby authorised and required when the aforesaid cata-
logue shall have been printed, to make such compensation
to the State Librarian as they shall deem adequate, for the
making out and superintending the printing of the same.


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Session Laws, 1832
Volume 547, Page 408   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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