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Session Laws, 1832
Volume 547, Page 407   View pdf image (33K)
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quired to issue a patent to Jacob Koontz, of Allegany
county, for a tract of land called "Jacob's Pleasure," con-
taining two hundred acres, which said tract of land was
resurveyed for the said Jacob Koontz, on the twentieth day
of December, eighteen hundred and nineteen; provided ne-
vertheless, that nothing herein contained, shall be taken, or
construed to affect any right that may have been acquired
by any other person or persons, in or to said land, before
the passage of this resolution.

No. 46.

Resolution relative to certain Records, in the office of Re-
gister of Wills, of Kent county.

WHEREAS, it was represented to this General Assem-
bly, at December session, eighteen hundred and thirty, by
the petition of Frederick Wilson, Register of Wills for
Kent county, that certain records in his office have become
much injured, defaced, and liable to be finally lost; and
whereas, an act was passed in pursuance of said petition,
making it the duty of the orphan's court of said county, to
give said records a careful examination, and if in their
opinions the public interest would be subserved by having
them transcribed, then the said orphan's court, or a major-
ity of them, were authorised and empowered to direct the
Register of Wills to procure sufficient book or books, and
therein accurately to transcribe, or cause to be transcribed,
the aforesaid records, or such parts thereof as they might
see proper, and point out, and allow to said Register a rea-
sonable compensation and expense for procuring said book
or books, and transcribing the same; and whereas, the said
orphan's court, did not in their judgment, deem it expedi-
ent to incur the expense of causing said records to be
transcribed, but determined that it was necessary and pro-
per for their future preservation that thev should be newly
bound— Therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Frederick Wilson, Register of Wills, for Kent county, be
and he is hereby authorised and empowered to take to the
city of Baltimore, or some more convenient place the re-
cords in his office, that have been adjudged by the orphans
court of said county to require new bindings, and that he
superintend in person the binding of the same.

Passed March 6


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Session Laws, 1832
Volume 547, Page 407   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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