No. 7.
Passed Jan. 10, 1833
Resolution in favor of Alexander Robertson.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to Alexander Ro-
bertson, or order, the sum of forty-seven dollars and ninety-
five cents, out of any unappropriated money in the trea-
sury, it being a balance of caution money due him by 'the
No. 8.
Passed January 7
Resolution relative to forwarding to the editors of papers
and public journals in this State, printed copies of the
daily proceedings of the Senate and House of Dele-
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
for the purpose of general information, and that the public
may more fully know the proceedings of the General As-
sembly, that, at the request in writing, addressed to the
public printers of the two houses of the Legislature, by
the editors of newspapers or public journals, in this State,
who may desire the same for publication, the said public
printers shall, every day of the session, forward to such
editors, a copy of the printed journals of the Senate and
House of Delegates.
No. 9
Passed February 6
Resolution in favour of Jonathan Kershner, of Hagerstown,
and James P. Bayless, of Baltimore city.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, is hereby authorized
and required to pay to Jonathan Kershner, of Hagerstown,
and James P. Bayless, of Baltimore city, or their order, the
sum of one hundred dollars, improperly paid into the trea-
sury, under a forfeited recognisance.