CHAP. 312.
from time to time, be given to, of vested in the same, by
the constitution and laws of this State.
Election districts.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the election districts in
Baltimore, Frederick, and Carroll counties, shall be estab-
Delegates to Gen-
eral Assembly.
lished after the confirmation of this act, as shall be directed
by law; and that the several delegates from Baltimore and
Frederick counties, shall retain their seats, and after the
division aforesaid, such of them as shall he residents of
Baltimore county, shall be deemed and taken as delegates
of that county; and such of them as shall be residents
of Frederick county, shall be deemed and taken as
delegates for that county; and such of them as shall be
residents of Carroll county, shall be deemed and taken as
delegates for that county; and writs of elections shall issue
to make up the number of delegates wanted in either of
said counties, to complete the usual and common county
confirmation re-
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That if this act shall be
confirmed by the General Assembly, after the next election
of delegates, in the first session after such new election,
according to the constitution and form of government,
that in such case this alteration and amendment of the
constitution and form of government, shall constitute and
be valid as part thereof, and every thing therein contained
repugnant to, or inconsistent with this act, shall be repeal-
And also by the
votes, of the people
within the propos-
ed county
ed and abolished; Provided, nevertheless, that at the next
annual election in October, the judges of election for the
counties of Frederick and Baltimore, within the limits of
the new county herein designated, shall ask each qualified
voter whether he is lor, or against, the abolishing of the
new county, and in those districts segregated by the said
county lines, shall vote at their usual places of election,
and the judges shall keep two separate columns open, in
order that all those voters living within the limits of the
new county, may have their names recorded for or against
the new county, and should a majority in either that part of
the new county taken from Baltimore, or a majority in that
part of the new county taken from Frederick, be against
the new county, this law shall be inoperative, but should a
majority of the voters within both those parts of Frederick
Other wise this set
to be void
and Baltimore counties, taken within the designated
limits, be in favor of the new county, then this law shall
be operative.