CHAP. 308.
Passed Mar. 23. 1833
An act relating to the manner of holding and transmitting
the title to certain Church properly therein mentioned.
Roman Catholic
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly oj Ma-
ryland, That it shall and may be lawful to, and for the
trustees of any Roman Catholic Church, in whom the title
to any lot or lots of ground, whereon any Roman Catholic
May deed church
property to the
Church is now erected, or which is used as a grave-yard
attached to any such church, to convey the same by deed
to be executed, acknowledged and recorded in the visual
manner, to the Most Reverend James Whitfield, the pre-
sent Arch Bishop of Baltimore, and his successors in the
Archiepiscopal see of Baltimore, according to the disci-
pline and government of the Roman Catholic Church,
forever, and it shall and may be lawful to, and for any
Any person may
convey land for a
person or persons or body corporate, to convey unto the Ro-
man Catholic Arch Bishop of Baltimore, for the time be-
ing, and his successors as aforesaid, forever, by deed as
aforesaid, any lot, piece or parcel of ground as aforesaid,
Such property
how appropriated.
for the purpose of having a Church erected thereon, for
worship according to the discipline and government of
the Roman Catholic Church, or for a grave-yard as afore-
said, which said lots of ground and premises, when so
conveyed, are to be held by the said Roman Catholic
Arch Bishop of Baltimore, and his successors as aforesaid,
for the uses of the members of the Roman Catholic
Church, worshipping at the respective places where such
Churches may be, according to the government and disci-
pline ofthe "Roman Catholic Church; Provided always,
that the property and estate, so to be conveyed and held,
No consideration
to be exacted
shall not, for any one congregation, exceed two acres; and
provided, that such property be improved, enjoyed and
used, only for a Church lot, parsonage and burial ground,
or such conveyance, for such lot, shall be void; and provid-
ed, that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as
to authorise the said Arch Bishop of Baltimore or his suc-
cessors, to exact from the members of any congregation,
who may make conveyances under this act, any contribu-
tions as a consideration for the use of said church proper-
ty so conveyed, without their consent.