any corporation or person -whatsoever, after hearing the
parties, or on their neglecting to shew cause, after five
days notice, to direct the proper notice of withdrawal to
be made out under their seal, and served by any person
CHAP. 307.
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful
for the said sheriff, or coroner, or officer, who shall have
made any sale of shares of capital or joint stock, or trans-
ferable debt, under this act, whether he continued in office
or not, and whether he hath returned the writ or writs or
not, to transfer on the books of any corporation any shares
of capital or joint stock, or any transferable debt as afore-
said, so sold as aforesaid, to the purchaser or purchasers.
Duty of sheriff
making sale of such
shares to transfer
the same on the
books of the cor-
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That if any sheriff, or coroner,
or officer, who shall have made any sale of any shares of
capital or joint stock, or transferable debt, under this act,
shall die or remove out of the county, without making a
transfer thereof, it shall be lawful for the court to which the
writ of fieri facias by virtue whereof the same was sold was
returnable, to order the sheriff of the county, for the time
being, or if he be interested in the matter, any one of the
coroners of the said county, to make the said transfer, and
the sheriff or coroner, so ordered to make such transfer,
shall have the same power and authority to make the same
as if he had originally made the said sale.
In case of death, &c.
of such sheriff his
surveyor shall trans-
fer the same
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That if any corporation, or
any of its officers, shall hinder, obstruct, or refuse to per-
mit any transfer, which any sheriff, or coroner, or officer
aforesaid, may be authorised to make, by virtue of this act,
Persons obstruct-
ing sheriff in ma-
king such transfer
it shall be the duty of the said sheriff, or coronor, or offi-
cer, to certify the fact to the court, to which the writ or
writs, by virtue of which such stock or debt was seized or
taken, was returnable, or to some judge thereof, and such
court, or any judge thereof, shall thereupon have authority
Reported to court
to punish, by process of contempt, all persons so hinder-
ing, obstructing, or refusing, to permit such transfer, and
also to cause the said transfer book, or other proper book
Attached for con-
or bocks of such corporation, to be brought before such
court or judge, and the transfer to be made in presence of
such court or judge, and may enforce the order for bringing
such book or books before such court or judge, by process
of contempt against any person or persons who may hinder
or obstruct the said sheriff, or coroner, or officer, in taking
Books brought in-
to court.
possession of any such book or books, arid such corpora-
tion shall morever be liable to the purchaser or purchasers,
and all other persons for all damages by them sustained,
Liable for damages