CHAP. 307.
Allowing transfer
of any such stock
as attached.
transfer of shares in the capital or joint stock of such cor-
poration, or of any debt transferrabJe upon the books of
such corporation, standing at the time of service in the
name of any person or body corporate, whose interest in
such capital or joint stock or debt, may have been mention-
ed in such notice to have been seized or taken, as aforesaid,
before the sheriff or coroner or other officer aforesaid, or
the court shall have given notice in writing that such no-
tice of seizure is withdrawn, such corporation shall forfeit
and pay to the person or persons or body corporate, at
Liable to full va-
whose suit the writ or writs in such notice mentioned, is-
sued, the full market value at the time of transfer, or at any
time afterwards, of the stock so transferred, to be recovered
by action on the case as for tort.
If such writ be
countermaned, or
debt satisfied
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That if at any stage of the
proceeding the writ or writs shall be countermanded or
quashed, or if an attachment or attachments abated or dis-
solved, or the debt or sum of money paid to the sheriff or
Sheriff shall give
notice of with-
drawing gain no-
coroner or other officer, it shall be the duty of the sheriff or
to all corporations upon whom he may have served such
notice of seizure as aforesaid, that he withdraws such no-
But if of part only.
tice; and whenever any such notice in writing of the with-
drawal of any such seizure, either in whole or in part, is
received by any corporation, it shall be lawful for such cor-
poration to permit transfers of stock or debt affected by
Sufficient shares to
be reserved to sat-
such notice of withdrawal, as if such notice of seizure had
never been given; Provided, that if the notice of with-
drawal shall extend to part only of such stock or debt, it
shall not be lawful for any such corporation, under the
penalty aforesaid, to permit any transfer which shall not
leave standing in the name of the person or persons or
body corporate whose interest has been seized or taken or
mentioned so to be in any notice of seizure, the full
debt which the sheriff or coroner, or other officer aforesaid
has includsd in his schedule as aforesaid, of which number
of shares and transferable debt it shall be the duty of the
said sheriff or coroner or officer to notify every such cor-
poration in the notice of withdrawal.
On sheriff neglect-
ing to give such
Sec 7. And be it enacted, That if any sheriff or coroner,
or other officer, shall refuse or neglect to give such notice
of withdrawal in any case, in which, by law, it ought to be
given, it shall be competent for the court, to which the
writ or writs was or were returnable, by virtue of which
any notice of seizure may have been given, on motion of