CHAP. 299.
An act concerning the Justices of the Orphan's Court, of
Allegany county.
Passed Mar. 22, 1833
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That each of the justices of the orphan's .court of
Allegany county, residing in the county, in addition to the
per diem now received by law, shall after the passage of
this act, be entitled to receive at the rate of twelve and an
half cents per mile, as often as each of them shall attend
the court, as itinerant compensation, for every mile each
of them may travel, coming from his place of residence in
the country to the Town of Cumberland, to attend the
business of the said court; Provided, that itinerant com-
pensation by the mile, shall not be charged more than once
for each and any term of the court.
Mileage allowed to
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the Register of Wills,
for Allegany county, at each meeting of the orphan's court
shall make a memorandum in the minutes of said court, of
the number of miles travelled by any justice of the orphans
Register to keep
court as aforesaid; at every court each of them shall at-
tend from the country; and the commissioners of Allega-
ny county, shall at their annual levy of the county charges
of Allegany county, levy said itinerant compensation for
the use of any justice as aforesaid, at the time of levying
his per diem allowance; which itinerant compensation shall
be collected and paid to any such justice in the same man-
ner as his perdiem allowance is now collected and paid by
Levy cout to levy
A further supplement to the act, entitled, an act to establish a
bank, and incorporate a Company, under the name of the
Washington County Bank, at the town of Williamsport,
in Washington county.
Passed Mar. 21, 1833
WHEREAS, by the original act to which this is a further
supplement, no provision is made for the sale or disposi-
tion of the unsubscribed capital stock, of the Washington
county bank, after the said bank commenced operations;