CHAP. 297.
Hereafter to be
sold by magistrate
thirty-one, chapter three hundred and twenty-three, shall
be sold by the Justice of the Peace, or other person, in
whose possession it may be, and the nett proceeds, after
Proceeds to be
paid over to former
deducting expenses, shall be paid over to such free negro
or mulatto, by the said Justice, or other person.
Passed Mar.31,1833
A supplement to an act entitled, an act for the relief of Jo-
seph Wood, former Sheriff of Culvert county.
WHEREAS, an act hath passed at the present General
Assembly by which Joseph Wood, former Sheriff of Cal-
vert county, has been authorised to collect until the first
day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-four all offi-
cial dues in the same manner as he would have done with-
in the time limited by-law; And whereas, it is necessary
and expedient to annex further qualifications and condi-
tions to the exercise of the powers so conferred on him —
Account on oath
to be served
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the said Joseph Wood before he proceeds to execute
the body or properly of any person or persons for fees, for-
feitures, amerciaments, officer's fees or public dues by the
authority of this act shall deliver or cause to be delivered
to such person or persons chargeable with the same, or left
at their houses at least thirty days previous to serving or
levying such execution an account of the sum demanded
of him, her or them, which account shall contain the spe-
cific items charged with an affidavit annexed thereto, that
he hath not nor hath any other person or persons acting
under him whilst Sheriff, nor since received any part there-
Counter oath to be
a bar
of or satisfaction for the same to the best of his knowledge
and belief; Provided, that if any person against whom there
is a claim by said Wood aforesaid, shall make affidavit be-
fore any justice of the peace of said county, that he or
she believes the same to be unjust, or that the same had
Deceased estate
been paid at any previous time, it shall forever bar such
claim; and provided, that nothing in this act shall be con-
strued to affect the estate of any deceased person.