CHAP. 273.
Passed Mar.21,1831
An act to Divorce Sarah Barrett and her husband Patrick
Barrett of Baltimore county.
Divorce granted.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the said Sarah Barrett be, and she is here-
by divorced from bed, board and mutual cohabitation with
her husband Patrick Barrelt.
Liabilities annul-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Patrick Bar-
rett, by virtue of his marriage with the said Sarah Barrett,
shall not be authorised to have or claim any right or inter-
est in the estate, real, personal or mixed of the said Sarah
Barrett, that shall be acquired by her after the passage of
this act, nor shall the said Sarah Barrett be entitled in any
manner to have or claim any right, title or interest in the
estate, real, personal or mixed of the said Patrick Barrett,
that shall be acquired by him after the passage of this act.
Feme sole.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid Sarah
Barrett shall have and exercise all the rights, privileges and
immunities, and be subject to all the legal responsibilities
of a feme sole, except that of marrying again during the
joint lives of the aforesaid parties in the same manner she
would have been if she had never been married.
Guardianship con-
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid Sarah
Barrett be, and she is hereby declared to be entitled to the
custody and guardianship of her children by her present
marriage during their minority.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the said Patrick Bar-
rett shall not be liable for any debt to be hereafter contract-
ed by the said Sarah Barrett.
Passed Mar. 21, 1833
A further additional supplement to the act of December Ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and twenty seven, chapter one hun-
dred and seventeen, entitled, an act to regulate the issuing
of Licenses to Traders, keepers of Ordinaries and others.
Persons selling
without license
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That no person shall expose for sale, or sell,
any goods, wares or merchandize, with a view to profit in
Liable to indict-
the way of trade, unless he or she shall first obtain a license
to trade, and any person herein offending shall be liable to