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Session Laws, 1832
Volume 547, Page 315   View pdf image (33K)
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Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the commissioners of Allegany county, be,

CHAP. 271.

and they are hereby authorized and required to levy on the
assessable property of said county, at the usual time of ma-
king the county levy, in the year eighteen hundred and

Levy directed in


thirty-three, (independently of the sum which, by the exist-
ing laws, they are authorized and required to levy, for the
payment of Jurors, who served as such, at the October
term, in eighteen hundred and thirty-two, of the county
court of the county aforesaid, and who may serve, as such,
at April term of said court, in eighteen hundred and thirty-
three,) such sum of money as the said commissioners may
deem sufficient to defray the expenses which may be incur-
red by the attendance of Jurors at the October term of said
court, in the year last aforesaid, and at the April term of
said court, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-four.

Besides the usual


Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the said commissioners to levy as aforesaid, in the year
eighteen hundred and thirty-four, and annually thereafter,
such sum of money as they may deem sufficient to pay the
expenses and charge which may be, for the then succeeding
October and April terms of the court aforesaid, incurred by
and on account of the attendance of Jurors summoned to
the county court of Allegany county aforesaid.

Annually hereaf-


levied, and when collected, shall be paid over by the col-
lector of the county aforesaid, to the clerk of said county
court, at October and April terms, in each and every year;
and when so paid over, it shall be the duty of the said clerk
to give bond, with sufficient security, to be approved by
commissioners of said county, for the proper disbursement
and payment of the same, to the respective claimants as
jurors as may be specified in their respective certificates,
when presented for payment.

Applied to pay-

ment of jurors

Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That said clerk shall annu-
ally settle and account with the commissioners for the pro-
per application of said money, when so levied, collected,

Settle accounts.

and paid over as aforesaid, and if after defraying the expen-
ses as aforesaid, there shall be a surplus remaining, such
surplus shall be considered as belonging to the contingent
fund for paying said Jurors.

Application of


Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the commissioners of
said county shall, annually, in their settlement with the clerk
aforesaid, allow him such compensation as they may deem
just and reasonable, for the services, which, by this act, he
is required to perform.

Compilation to

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Session Laws, 1832
Volume 547, Page 315   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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