CHAP. 269.
and thus mentioned in the certificate given by the inspec-
tor, and also marked on the cask or other Tessel.
Penaltyfor selling
without inspection
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That any person selling or
buying lime not measured and inspected as aforesaid,
shall forfeit, and pay ten dollars for every offence.
Wagoner &c. load-
ing unfairly.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That if any waggoner, driver
or owner, of any waggon, or other carriage, shall make use
of any device, in the loading his waggon, or other carri-
age, or suffer any other to do so, with a view of deceiving
the inspector and measurer, in the quality and quantity
thereof, or shall after obtaining a certificate, suffer any part
Or suffer diminu-
tion of load
of his load to be disposed of, or diminished, and then sell,
or offer to sell the remainder for the quantity mentioned in
Or exchange cer-
the certificate; or shall exchange his certificate for any
other, of a greater quantity or better quality, he shall for-
feit and pay for every such offence ten dollars: and should
Cause for action
the inspector discover that device or fraud had been used,
for the purpose of deceiving, either in quantity or quality,
will be sufficient cause for action.
Buyer if dissatifi
ed, &c
Sec 7. And be it enacted, That when any person bring-
ing lime to the city for sale, in any waggon, car, cart, or
other carriage, shall have delivered and discharged the
same, and it shall appear to the buyer, or receiver of the
same, that some fraud or device had been used in the load-
ing or unloading thereof, not known or discovered by the
inspector, he she or they may complain thereof to the in-
Inspector shall re-
spector, who is hereby authorized and required forthwith
to examine into the cause of complaint; and should the in-
spector be satfsfied that his first certificate was not correct,
then, in that case he shall revoke and annul the first certi-
ficate, and issue and deliver a new one instead thereof;
Penalty for fraud.
expressing the just quantity and quality, and should it ap-
pear that fraud was intended, and any device used, with
an intent to deceive the inspector, then and in that case,
the owner, driver or agent of said lime shall forfeit and
pay for every such offence ten dollars.
Penaltie prescib-
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That all lime that is clear of
core, gravel, sand, and dirt, shall be considered first quali-
ty, and so in proportion with all other lime less fine,
according to the judgment of the Inspector, until it is re-
duced to third quality, or condemned as hereinbefore men-
Board of appeal.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That the Mayor of the city
of Baltimore shall annually appoint three persons well
skilled in the quality and quantity of lime to constitute a
board of appeal, whose duty it shall be to decide upon