CHAP. 266.
Montgomery coun-
twenty-five dollars; in Montgomery county, for Benjamin
Adams, twenty-five dollars, payable to Bernard Gilpin, or
order; for Juliet Cunningham, twenty-five dollars, payable
to James Lyddanee, or order; for Benjamin Higgins, and his
wife Matilda Higgins, each twenty-five dollars, payable to
Benjamin Higgins or order; for James Newell, thirty dol-
lars, payable to Erasmus Perry or order; for Ann Elms, ten
dollars in addition to what is already allowed her; for
William Lee, thirty dollars; for Elizabeth Redder, thirty
dollars; for John Gittings and his wife Kizia, twenty-five
Charles county.
dollars each: in Charles county for Harriet Oliver, thirty
dollars; for Rachel Carroll, twenty dollars; for Luke Mo-
ran and wife, twenty dollars each, payable to Peter D. Pa-
Frederick county.
sey or order; for Catharine McPherson, twenty dollars: in
Frederick county; for William Orpu't, twenty-five dollars,
payable to William Orput or order; for George Whitmore
and Elizabeth his wife, twenty dollars each, payable to
Cecil county
George Whitmore or order; for James Macatee, twenty dol-
lars; for John Mackey, twenty dollars: in Cecil county;
for Ann Patterson, thirty dollars; for Elizabeth Wamsby,
Q. Anne's county.
thirty dollars: in Queen Ann's county, for two orphan chil-
dren of James Downs, each twenty dollars, payable to Wil-
P. George's coun-
liam H. Emory or order: in Prince George's county, for
Sarah Flarharty and her two grand children, thirty dollars,
payable to Benjamin Ogle, sen. or order; for Susanna
Locker, twenty-five dollars, payable to Alfred Tolson or or-
der; for Rezin Turner, twenty dollars, payable to H. C.
Scott or order; for Ann Tracy, twenty-five dollars, payable
to Captain Richard L. Jenkins or order; for Susan I.
Ward, twenty dollars; for Matilda Cooper, twenty dollars;
for John T. Ridwell, twenty-five dollars; for Elizabeth
Dexon, thirty dollars; for Thomas Edmonston thirty dol-
lars; for Elizabeth Walker, thirty dollars, in lieu of a pen-
sion now allowed her, payable to William Bryan of Rich-
ard, and Ann Maddox, fifteen dollars, and the Levy courts
Authority to ap-
point trustee
or county commissioners, as the case may be, of the coun-
ties aforesaid, are hereby authorised and required to ap-
point trustees for the above named pensioners in all cases
where, in their opinion such appointments may be neces-