to persons holding offices of trust or profit, by appoint-
ment to office, under the authorities of this State, who
may hold an appointment under the General Government,
and for the more fully explaining the same; — Therefore,
CHAP. 262.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That no Post-master or his deputies; no marshall, his de-
puty or deputies, shall hold any office under the govern-
Postmaster or de-
ment of this State, or exercise any of the functions of any
office which he now has or may hereafter receive from the
executive of this State, after the first day of May next,
Prohibitted tp hold
under the penalty of fifty dollars for every such offence, to
be recovered by indictment and fine in any court of iaw,
or in any county court in this State, where the offence may
be committed or the penalty incurred.
An act to divorce Peter Kamp, of the City of Baltimore,
from his wife, Amelia Kamp.
Passed Mar.20,1833
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Peter Kamp, of the city of Baltimore, be henceforth
divorced from his wife, Amelia Kamp; and the marriage
heretofore had and solemnized between them, is declared to
be henceforth and forever null and void; and they are here-
by declared to be mutually released from all and every
duty and obligation, and benefit, and advantage growing
out and in consequence of the said marriage, and the said
Peter Kamp is hereby declared to be divorced a vinculo
Divorce granted.
An act to continue in force the acts of assembly which would
expire with the present session of the General Assembly.
Passed Mar.16, 1833
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all such acts, or parts of acts, as would expire with
the present session of the General Assembly, be, and the
same are hereby continued in force, to the last Monday of
December next, and to the end of the session of the Gen-
eral Assembly thereafter.
Act continued.