CHAP. 260
Passed Mar.21, 1833.
An act to Incorporate Cambridge Lodge, number sixty-six,
of Free and Accepted Masons, in Dorchester county.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the master and wardens, for the time being, of Cam-
bridge Lodge, number sixty-six, of Free and Accepted
Masons, and their successors, be and they are hereby de-
clared a body corporate, so far as to render them capable
in law to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, defend
and be defended, in all or any courts of justice, and before
all or any judges, officers, or persons whatsoever, in all
and singular actions, matters or demands whatsoever; and
that it may he lawful for them to have and keep a common
seal for their use; and in general to have and exercise all
such rights, franchises, privileges and immunities, as by
law are incident or necessary to corporations of this kind.
Passed Mar. 20,1833
An act to repeal, in part, an act, entitled, "an act to prohibit
the use of Gill Nets in the Potomac River, and Patuxent
River, during the period therein mentioned."
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, an act, entitled,
"an act to prohibit the use of Gill -Nets in the Potomac
River, and Patuxent River, during the period therein men-
tioned," be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as the
same prohibits the use of Gill nets in the Patuxent river,
below the mouth of Hall's Creek, and in the Potomac
river, below Maryland point.
Passed Mar. 20, 1833
An act supplementary to an act, passed November session,
seventeen hundred and ninety-nine, chapter sixty eight,
concerning persons holding offices of profit and trust, un-
der the United States Government.
WHEREAS, doubts have arisen in regard to the true
construction of the Constitution of this State, in relation