Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the time for taking the Sheriff's Bond for Allegany
county, be extended to the first day of February next; and
if the said sheriff shall at any time before or on the first day
of February next, give" bond agreeably to the provisions of
the said recited acts, the said Bond shall have the
same force and effect to all intents and purposes, as if ta-
ken as is prescribed by the said law, entitled, "an act for
the amendment of the law in certain cases," and the act of
November session, eighteen hundred and six, chapter six-
A supplement to the act, entitled an act to incorporate the
Savings' Institution of Emmittsburg,
Passed Jan. 16,1833
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the directors of the Savings' Institution of Emmitts-
burg, be and they are hereby authorised and empowered to
regulate their calculations of interest by 'Rowlett's Tables,'
and to exact the payment of the same', at the time of dis-
counting and renewing their notes.
An act to confirm an act , entitled, an act to amend the con-
stitution and form of government, as it relates to the
division of Somerset county into election districts,
passed at December session eighteen hundred and thirty
Passed Jan.16, 1833
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That an act, entitled, an act to amend the constitution and
form of government, as it relates to the division of Somer-
set county into election districts, passed at December ses-
sion eighteeen hundred and thirty-one, be, and the same is
hereby confirmed.