academy, and the instruction of the pupils aforesaid, and
the Directors, visitors and examination of the said semina-
ry, and the scholars therein as shall in their opinion best
promote the important objects of the institution; Provided,
the same be not repugnant to the laws and constitution of
this state or of the United States.
CHAP. 247.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the said trustees and
their successors or a quorum of them, shall meet at least
four times every year in stated quarterly meetings to be ap-
as they may direct, and when so assembled they shall have
power from time to time to appoint a President, Treasurer,
and Secretary, and to do all and every other thing or mat-
ter, necessary for the government and discipline of the said
institution, and the management of its affairs.
Choose a president
Sec: 6. And be it enacted, That any seven of the said
trustees shall be, and are hereby declared to be a quorum,
and are hereby empowered to meet from time to time, in
said academy, or any other place in the neighbourhood of
the said seminary, previously designated by the said trus-
tees at their last meeting, and when so assembled, may, in
the absence of the other trustees do any act, matter or thing,
which the whole of the trustees might do, were, they pre-
sent or attending, any thing, or any law to the contrary
Seven a qourum
An act to extend the provisions of an act passed at Decem-
ber session, eighteen hundred and two, chapter one hundred
and eleven, to the Zion Methodist Episcopal Church, in
Dorchester county.
Passed Mar. 16, 1833
Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the election for trustees heretofore made
by the congregation of the Zion Methodist Episcopal
Church, in Dorchester county, and all acts performed by
said trustees; and all deeds, gifts and endowments made to
the same, shall be as full and valid in law, as if the same,
had been made precisely according to the provisions and
requirements of the act, of eighteen hundred and two,
chapter one hundred and eleven; Provided, that the said
may be after the passage of this act, comply with the pro-
visions and directions of the act, passed December session.
Election and act
of trustees con-