cattle, shall pass therewith, along, or over any private pas-
sage, or other ground, which shall or may be opened, ad-
joining to, or near the turnpike gate, upon the said road,
either where it is now located, or may be hereafter located,
CHAP. 246.
so as to get upon the said turnpike road without passing
through the toll gate, with intent to avoid the payment of
toll, or in passing from the said turnpike road without pass-
ing through the toll gate with the said intent; all and every
person or persons, in either of the ways aforesaid offending,
To avoid payment
shall, for every such offence respectively, forfeit and pay to
the President and Managers, elected by said Banks and
individual stockholders, to manage their said road and
bridge, any sum not exceeding five dollars, to be sued for
and recovered with costs of suit, before any Justice of the
Peace, in like manner as debts of a small amount, may be
sued for, and recovered in the name and upon the condi-
tions as prescribed in the first section of the supplement to
the act to which this is a supplement, passed at December
session, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, chapter one
hundred and nineteen.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this law, and every mat-
ter and thing therein contained, shall be at all times sub-
ject to repeal or amendment by the General Assembly.
Rights to repeal or
An act to Incorporate certain Trustees to establish an Aca-
demy or School House, in or near Prince Frederick town
in Calvert county, to be known by the name and style of
the Prince Frederick Town Academy.
Passed Mar.16, 1833
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General of Assembly
Maryland, That Richard Roberts, Franklin Smith, James
Morsell, jr. James B. Dixon, Thomas Mitchell, William
Hance, Samuel Turner, Alexander Somerville, John J.
Brookes, John Becket, Samuel Chew, and George W.
Weems, Esqrs. be, and they are hereby appointed trustees
of the Prince Frederick Town Academy, and the said trus-
tees and their successors to be elected in the manner herein-
after mentioned, shall be one Community and body politic,
with perpetual succession in fact and law to all intents and
Persons incorpora-
purposes connected with the institution by the name and
style of the trustees of the Prince Frederick Town Acade-
my, in Calvert county, by which name and title the said
Name and style.