CHAP. 29.
An acl to Incorporate the Jefferson Savings Institution.
Passed Feb. 5, 1833
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Partrick McGill, Jr. Henry Culler, Dr.
Lloyd Dorsey, Henry Keller, Abm. Blessing, Dr. C. B.
McGill, Shepperd S. Church, Christian Weaver, George
Williard, John Simmons, Perry Hillcary, Henry Boteler, Sr.
James Torence, Nelson Hoffman, J. M. Little, John Daer,
Thomas Johnson, Thomas Thrasher, Jacob Easterday, and
all and every other person or persons hereafter becoming
members of the Jefferson Savings Institution, in the manner
hereafter mentioned, shall be, and are hereby created and
made a corporation and body politic, by the name and style
of the Jefferson Savings Institution, to be located at the
Persons incorpora-
Town of Jefferson, in Frederick county; and by that name
shall have succession, and be capable, by law, to hold and
dispose of property, to sue and be sued, plead and be im-
pleaded, answer and defend, and be answered and defend-
ed, in courts of law and equity, or in any other place what-
ever, and to receive and make all deeds, transfers, contracts,
covenants, conveyances, and grants, whatsoever, and tc
make, have, and use a common seal, and the same to
change and renew at pleasure; and generally to do every
other act or thing necessary to carry into effect the provis-
ions of this act, and promote the object and design of said
Corporate powers
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That there shall be a meet-
ing of the members of the said Jefferson Savings Institu-
tion, on such day in the month of May next, or on any day
within twelve months thereafter, and at such place as the
five persons first named in this act, or any three of them
shall appoint, and give a written notice to each member at
least five days previous to said meeting, and on such day
in the month of May, and such place, annually thereafter,
as the by-laws of the Institution shall provide, for the pur-
pose of choosing from among the members five Directors
to manage the affairs of the Institution for twelve months
thereafter, and until a new election shall take place; Provi-
ded, That such election shall be made within one month
from the expiration of the term for which the proceeding
Directors shall have been elected, and the five first named
persons or members, or a majority of them, shall be judges
of the first election of Directors, and the judges of all future
elections shall be appointed, and notice oi such election;
given, in such manner as the by-laws shall provide.
Election of direc-