CHAP. 28.
and paving shall be made and done at the expense of the
proprietors of the different lots, before which the burgess
and commissioners aforesaid, shall direct such levelling
and paving to be done.
Case of non-res-
dent owners
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That if the owner or owners
of any house, lot, or part of a lot, where such levelling,
paving, repairing, or amending, shall be directed, shall not
reside in. the said town, the tenant or person occupying
the same, or who shall have charge and care thereof, shall
cause the same to be done before the front of such pos-
session, and the money expended by such tenant or other
persons, in and about the said work, in obedience to the
ordinance and direction of the Burgess and Commissioners
aforesaid, shall be allowed by the owner, and deducted out
of the rent then due or hereafter to become due, and if
any owner or tenant of any house, or lot, or part of a lot,
or the persons having the care of the same, shall refuse or
neglect to level, pave and amend or repair, the foot-way in
front of the same, according to the ordinance and direc-
tion of the burgess and commissioners aforesaid, it shall
and may be lawful for the burgess and commissioners,
aforesaid, to contract and agree with some person or
persons, on reasonable terms, to level, pave, amend or re-
pair such footways, and to charge the expense thereof to
the owner or owners of the property, in front of which
such work may be done, and shall recover the same by dis-
tress on such property, with cost.
General powers
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That the said burgess and
commissioners shall have power to make all such by-laws,
regulations and ordinances, as from time to time they may
deem wise, equitable, and expedient, for the comfort,
health, convenience, and prosperity of said town, and its
inhabitants; for the prevention and removal of nuisances,
preservation of health, and suppression of vice and im-
morality within the limits of said town, and shall have
power to lay an equal tax on the property within the limits
if the said'town, to such amount as may from time to
time be deemed necessary to accomplish the purposes
aforesaid, which tax shall lie collected and paid to the said
burgess and commissioners, by a collector, by them ap-
pointed, who shall have the same power to destrain there-
for, as the collector of the public county assessment has
to destrain for the same, and that the said burgess and
commissioners shall fix the term of office, responsibility,
and compensation of such collector.