CHAP. 219.
Jln act supplemental to an act, entitled, an act concerning
Lower Marlborough Academy, passed at December Ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and twenty one, chapter one hundred
and seventy -one.
Passed Mar. 16, 1833
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly
by the petition of the trustees of Lower Marlborough Aca-
demy, in Calvert county, that an act was passed at Decem-
ber session, eighteen hundred and twenty-one, authorising
the separation of said academy from the academy at Char-
lotte Hall, and likewise authorizing the trustees aforesaid,
to receive five hundred dollars annually, but to deduct
therefrom the sura of forty dollars, being one-fourth of the
interest yearly, payable on a debt of two thousand six hun-
dred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents, due from
said academy at Charlotte Hall, to the State of Maryland;
and whereas it is further represented, that the debt aforesaid
was contracted for objects and purposes in which the said
academy of Lower Marlborough has not, nor ever has had
any interest whatever; and whereas, it is but just and rea-
sonable, that the said trustees should be released from the
payment of any portion of the interest aforesaid — There-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the trustees of Lower Marlborough academy be, and
they are hereby released from the payment of any portion of
the interest yearly payable on the debt aforesaid, and the
whole amount of said interest shall be hereafter deducted
by the Treasurer of the Western Shore, in each and every
year, from the donation payable to the said academy at
Charlotte Hall.
Direction given
An act to facilitate the Collection of the Tax in the several
counties of this Stale on deceased persons estates.
Passed Mar. 1, 1833
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Executor and ad-
Maryland, That hereafter each and every executor and ad-
ministrator shall within twelve months after he commences
ers of the tax or other county authority empowered to re-
instructor to re-
turn precise acc't
of taxable property
of estate retained