Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the orphans' court of
Frederick county, is hereby required to give six months
notice in one of the newspapers published in said county,
and likewise in one newspaper printed in the city of Balti-
more, requiring all persons, in anywise interested in the
sale of said lot, to file their claims with said court, within
twelve months from the day of sale, and that the said court,
proper for the sale thereof, pay the proceeds of said sale to
the persons legally claiming the same.
CHAP 216.
An act relating to part of Caroline street, in the City of
Passed Mar.10,1833
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore,
be, and they are hereby authorized, at their present or any
tuture session, to pass such ordinance or ordinances for the
purpose of condemning and opening that part of Caroline
street, in said city, laying between Little Hampstead street
and Union alley, upon such terms and conditions as they
Mayor and City
Council authorise
may deem most adviseable; Provided however, that in open-
ing the said part of Caroline street, the said Mayor and
City Council shall appoint Commissioners to ascertain the
damage which will be sustained by the opening, to ascer-
tain the expenses of opening, and to estimate the benefits,
and to determine by whom the said damages and expenses
are to be paid; and provided also, that the said part of Ca-
roline street shall not be opened through or over the ground
of any person entitled to damage, until the sum assessed as
case of appeal, by the Court to which an appeal may be
allowed by the ordinance or ordinances to be passed by the
said Mayor and City Council, be first paid or tendered in
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore, at its present or any future session,
in case they deem it advisable not to open and condemn
the part of Caroline street between Little Hampstead street
and Union alley, be and are hereby authorized to provide,
by ordinance or ordinances, that the said part of Caroline
street shall be exempt from the operation of the sixteenth
Authority to ex-
empt from 16th se
ch. 148, of 1817.
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