CHAP. 28.
of them, or any justice of the Orphans' Court of said
county be, and they are hereby authorised and empowered
to grant to Thomas S. Clarke of Anne Arundel county
the benefits of the several acts of Assembly, passed for the
relief of insolvent debtors; provided, that the said Thomas
S. Clarke shall, in all respects (except that of proving re-
sidence,) comply with the requisitions of said acts of As-
sembly, and that he satisfy said Judge or Judges, or Jus-
tice as aforesaid, that he did not come into this State with .
the view of obtaining the benefit of said insolvent laws.
Passed Feb. 9,1833
An ad to Incorporate the Town of Sharpsburgh and Mil-
ler's Addition to Sharpsburgh.
Citizens incorpo-
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the citizens of the town of Sharpsburgh,
and Miller's Addition to Sharpsburgh, in Washington
county, shall be, and they are hereby constituted and
made a body corporate, by the name of The Burgess and
Commissioners of Sharpsburgh, with all the privileges of
a body corporate, and to have a common .seal and per-
petual succession.
Qualification of
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the free white male
citizens of Sharpsburgh and Miller's Addition to Sharps-
burgh aforesaid, of the age of twenty-one years, and up-
wards, and having resided in the said town for and during
the space of six months next preceding the election, shall,
on the first Monday in April next, at the house now occu-
pied by Samuel Gardenhour, and on the first Monday in
Annual election
March in each and every year thereafter, at such house as
shall be directed by the Burgess and Commissioners, be
authorised to elect a Burgess and Assistant Burgess and
five Commissioners, for the said town, who shall have re-
sided within the limits of said town six months next pre-
ceding the election.
Manner of con
ducting first elec-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That a justice of the peace
for the time being, residing in the said town, shall appoint
by writing, under his hand and seal, one judge to hold the
first election, who shall keep the polls open from nine
o'clock in the morning until two in the evening, and shall
conduct the said election in the manner in which judges of
elections are now directed by jaw to conduct an election for