CHAP. 27.
An act to authorise the Commissioners of Washington Coun-
ty to levy a sum of money for building a bridge over Lit-
tle Antietam Creek in said county.
Passed Jan.31, 1833
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Commissioners of Washington county be, and
they are hereby authorised, to cause to be erected over
Little Antietam Creek, upon the best practicable site, at
or near Hess' Old burnt Mill, on the road leading from
Williamsport to Pleasant Valley, a substantial stone bridge,
upon such plan and terms and under such superintendance
Authority to build.
as they may deem most conducive to the public interest;
and they are hereby authorised to levy on the assessable
property of said county, such sum or sums of money as
they may deem necessary to defray all expenses in erect-
ing said bridge.
To levy.
An act relating to the duties of the Commissioners of Anne
Arundel county.
Passed Feb. 7, 1834
WHEREAS, in a government where the people are re-
cognized as the only legitimate source of power, they
have at all time a right to know the manner in which their
public agents have discharged the duties entrusted to
them:— Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland
That the Commissioners of Anne Arundel County be, and
they are hereby required to cause to be published annually
in the different papers at Annapolis, on or before the first
day of June, the amount levied on said county to defray
the expenses thereof, all disbursements made, and the pur-
poses to which the same have been applied.
Publication order
An act for the relief of Thomas S. Clarke of Anne Arundel
Passed Feb. 7, 183;
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Judges of Anne Arundel county court, or either
Insolvent act ex-
tended to.