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Session Laws, 1832
Volume 547, Page 210   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 186.

ton, for Cecil county, under the direction of James Sewall,
John Evans, and Levin Gale; at Chester Town, for Kent
county, under the direction of Ezekiel F. Chambers, Jo-
seph Wickes, and James Alfred Pearce; at Easton, for
Talbot county, under the direction of John Goldsborough,
Edward Lloyd, and Samuel Stevens; at Denton, for Caro-
line county, under the direction of James Sangston, George
Reed, and Thomas Burchenal; at Cambridge, for Dorches-
ter county, under the direction of Henry Page, Josiah Bai-
ley, and John N. Steele; at Centreville, for Queen Ann's
county, under the direction of William Grason, Thomas
Emory, and Richard T. Earle; at Princess Ann, for Som-
erset county, under the direction of Littleton P. Dennis,
William W. Handy, and Thomas King Carroll; at Snow
Hill, for Worcester county, under the direction of Ephraim
King Wilson, John S. Spence, and George W. Purnell;
at Upper Marlborough, for Prince George's county, under
the direction of Robert W. Bowie, Philemon Chew, and
C. C. Magruder; at Leonard Town, for St. Mary's county,
under the direction of James Thomas, E. J. Millard,and
G. N. Causin; at Port Tobacco, for Charles county, under
the direction of William Thompson, William D. Merrick,
and Henry Brawner; at Rockville, for Montgomery county,
under the direction of Benjamin S. Forrest, Roger Brooke,
and Brice Selby; at Prince Frederick, for Calvert county,
under the direction of Alexander Somerville, James Kent,
and Samuel Turner.

Time of opening


Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the Commissioners au-
thorised by this act to receive subscriptions in the city of
Baltimore, or a majority of them, shall meet to determine
on the time and manner of receiving the subscriptions to
the capital stock of said company; which shall be within
ninety days after the passage of this act; they shall pro-
vide suitable books for receiving the subscriptions and fur-

Notification there-


nish such as are necessary to the commissioners appointed
for the different counties, and notify them of the time and
manner determined on for receiving the subscriptions, and
the period for which the books shall be kept open; on
closing the said books in the several counties, the com-


missioners or commissioner having charge of the same,
shall certify the result and send their certificate with the
books of subscriptions and the funds received, to the com-
missioners acting for Baltimore city and county; and if it
shall appear that not less than three thousand shares in
the whole, have been subscribed, and the first instalment
required to be paid by this act, has been duly paid thereon,

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Session Laws, 1832
Volume 547, Page 210   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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