Orphans' Court
authorised to in-
stitute inquiry.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That upon petition of James Howard McHenry,
by his guardian or guardians, the judges of the orphan's
court of Baltimore county, be, and they are hereby authori-
sed and empowered to appoint three discreet and disinter-
ed persons, who shall examine and report to the said court,
whether it would be for the benefit and advantage of James
Howard McHenry, a minor, that a part of a lot of ground,
belonging to the said minor, lying between Columbia
street, Ramsey street, Parkin street, and the Washington
turnpike road, should be exchanged for a part of an ad-
joining lot of ground belonging to William Lorman; and
if the said persons shall make return that such exchange
would be beneficial and advantageous to the said minor,
they shall particularly describe and set forth in their said
return the pieces of ground which they recommend to be so
exchanged as aforesaid.
To direct ex-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That if the persons appoint-
ed as aforesaid, shall recommend an exchange of the said
lots of ground, the orphans' court of Baltimore county be,
Deed, &c.
and they are hereby authorised and empowered to direct
the guardian of the said minor to execute a deed for the
ed to be exchanged, whenever a good and sufficient deed
shall be executed by the said William Lorman, conveying
to the said minor, the ground recommended to be convey-
ed to the said minor; Provided always, that the judges of
the orphans' court aforesaid, shall be fully satisfised that the
exchange recommended would be beneficial and advanta-
geous to the said minor; And provided also, that before