delivered, to the clerk of Frederick county court, a plat
and description in writing under their hands and seals,
specifying plainly the boundaries and number of each
election district, so laid off by them; and also the place
where the elections for such districts shall be held; and the
said clerk shall record the same in the records of said
county; and it thall also be the duty of the said clerk
of Frederick county court, on or before the first day of Au-
CHAP. 166.
gust, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, to furnish the
sheriff of said couniy with a copy of the proceedings of
the said commissioners, who shall cause a copy of each
to be published at least four times, in two or more news-
papers, published in the said county, previous to the next
Copy of proceed-
Publication direct-
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That when the said new
election districts, or either of them, shall be laid off by
the respective commissioners aforesaid, or a majority by
them, that then and from thenceforth the inhabitants thereof
shall be entitled to a representation in the levy court of
said county, which court shall appoint judges of elections,
and be in all respects entitled to all the rights, liberties,
and privileges held, or to be held and enjoyed by the other
election districts in said county.
Privilege of other
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That each commissioner
shall be entitled to two dollars per day, for every day he
shall act in the discharge of the duties imposed on him by
the provisions of this act; that each surveyor employed
shall receive a reasonable compensation for his services;
and that all other contingent expenses, fees, and charges,
incurred under the provisions of this act, shall be assessed
and levied, by the levy court of Frederick county, as other
county charges are; which, when levied and collected,
shall be paid over as other county charges are.
An act empowering Peter Wood Crain, to complete the col-
lections of Jesse C. Cook, deceased, late sheriff and col-
lector of Charles County.
Passed Mar. 13, 1833
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Peter Wood Crain, of Charles county, administrator
of Jesse C. Cook, deceased, late sheriff and collector of
said county, shall, by virtue of this act, have as full power
Authority granted