youth as aforesaid, and to appoint such number of their
own body, not less than three, as they may think proper, to
be a quorum or committee for transacting all business of
the said Seminary, and also by the said ordinances to del-
egate to the professors and teachers, such powers and au-
thorities as they shall think expedient for the government
and discipline of the said Seminary, and the execution of
the regulations thereof, and to make such regulations for
the directions, visitation and examinations of the said Se-
minary, and the students and scholars therein, as shall best
promote the important objects of the institution; provided
always, that the said ordinances be not repugnant to the
constitution and laws of this state.
CHAP. 164.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the said trustees and
their successors, or a majority of them, shall meet at least
twice in every year, in stated semi-annual meetings, to be
appointed by their own ordinances, and at such other times
as by their said ordinances, or by their own adjournments
they may direct, and when so assembled, they shall have
General meetings
power from time to time to appoint a President, Treasurer
and Secretary, to make contracts with the professors or
teachers, relative to the instruction of the scholars to be
placed under their care, and for the payment of their sala-
ries; to examine the progress of the students and scholars
in their learning, to hear and determine on all complaints
and appeals, and upon all matters touching the discipline
and government of the said academy, and the execution
of their ordinances; and generally to manage the estate
and concerns of the said Seminary in such manner as they
shall deem best for the advantages of the institution.
An act for the relief of Peggy Smith and David Smith,
her son, persons of colour.
Passed Mar. 13, 1833
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the clerk of Baltimore county court be, and he is
hereby authorised and directed, to make out and deliver to
Peggy Smith, and David Smith her son, two persons of
colour, who were the property of the late archbishop Car-
rol], the usual and proper certificates of freedom under the
laws of this State.
Certificate of free-