they have received, and not accounted for, and that in the
month of November in every year, they, the said Commis-
sioners, shall make a return of all the monies expended by
them, to the said Court.
CHAP. 161.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the Orphans' Court
hereafter, shall put the School Fund money in some bank
or Savings Institution as they may receive it, upon such
interest as they can agree for, and draw it out again, only
Deposits directed
as the Commissioners may need it, paying them no more
money while they have a surplus in their hands, and then,
only such sums as they may have immediate use for, al-
ways giving a due proportion to each district as heretofore
Drafts prescribed
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the Orphans' Court
shall be capable of receving donations from any individual
or individuals that may gratuitously bestow them in sup-
port of the School Fund, which donations they shall dis-
Authority to re-
ceive donation
tribute in the same manner they do the donations from the
State; and all donations heretofore made by any individual
or individuals, that are in the hands of any Commissioner
and not accounted for, the said Court is hereby authorised
Deposition thereof
such Commissioner, or in case of his death, of his execu-
tors or administrators, and such donation when received
shall be distributed as other monies are.
Such as has been
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the Orphans' Court
shall pay to Thomas F. Bond, such sum of money as they
may think him entitled to, for making out the Commis-
sioners accounts that were sent on to the Legislature at
this session, under the order of the House of Delegates,
out of the School Fund money.
Compensation to
T. E. Bonn.
An act for the preservation of Wild Fowl, in the waters of
Swann Creek, Spisutie Narrows, Rumney Creek, Busk
River and Gunpowder River, in Harford county.
Passed Mar. 11, 183
Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the first day of September
next, it shall not be lawful for any person to shoot at wild
fowl, in the waters of Swann creek, Spisutie narrows, Rum-
ney creek, Bush river and Gunpowder river, with a gun of
any description, in the night time, except from land.
Shooting at night