CHAP. 151.
that purpose, try any fact or facts that may be thus put af
issue, and finally to decide on such appeal as to them
may seem just and equitable.
Vacancy of Com-
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That if any of the commis-
sioners hereinbefore appointed, should by death, removal,
refusal, or in any manner become incompetent to act, then
and in such event, the levy court of said county are hereby
authorised and empowered to fill such vacancy or vacan-
cies, and all acts made and done by such commissioners
so appointed, shall be as valid and effectual, to all intents
and purposes, as the acts would be of those appointed in
the first section of this act, and shall receive the same
compensation as is provided for in the third section of
this act; Provided always, That it shall be the duty of the
said commissioners, before they execute said commission,
Notice required of
location, &c
to cause a notice in writing to be served upon all the par-
ties, the present owners of the land upon which said land-
ing and road are proposed to be located, giving at least ten
days notice of the time when they will commence the
Passed Mar. 3, 1832
An act to authorize the repair of a Bridge, therein men-
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly,
by the citizens of Baltimore and Anne Arundel counties,
that the bridge over the Patapsco Falls, at Ellicott's old
upper mills, has been materially injured by the ice, and re-
quires immediate repairs, or otherwise it will soon be en-
tirely lost to the counties, to the great inconvenience of the
citizens thereof; — Therefore,
Levy of $300 au-
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the Commissioners of Baltimore and Anne
Arundel counties, be, and they are hereby authorized and
required, to levy upon the assessable property of said coun-
ties, the sum of three hundred dollars, exclusive of com-
missions allowed for collection, to be applied to the re-
pair of the bridge over the Patapsco Falls, at Ellicott's old
Half on each coun-
upper mills, one moiety of which sum of money shall be
levied on the assessable property of Baltimore, and the
other on that of Anne Arundel, counties, which said as-
sessment shall be made, levied, and collected, in the same