the upper roome well daubed & sealed with morter white limed & sized, & the shead
sealed & lined with riven boards, And allsoe one other house to be built neare unto the
Sd house & upon the sd acre of Land three foot within ground at the foundation to be
twenty & five foot long & fifteene foot wide within, & of sufficient strength for a prison,
the first roome entring to be eight foot in height from the lower floore, & a partition in
th° middle thereof, with, a loft or Garrett over all the sd roome, & both the floores of
the sd roome & loft to be well plankt, & the said loft to be six foot high & sealed & lined
with riven boards, Together with free Egresse & Regresse to & from the sd houses for
all persons at all times, The sd dwelling house to be Compleately finished for a Court-
house forthwith in manner above mentioned, And the sd house for a prison to be
finished as aforesd before the last day of May now next ensueinge, To have & to hold
the sd acre of Land & houses & all & singular the before graunted premises thereunto
belonging with their & every of their appurtenances from mee the sd John Allen &
my heires for ever, unto the Right Honorable the Lord Proprietary aforesaid his heires
& Successors forever, To & for the publicke use of his & their County of Charles County
in Maryland aforesd, & the Inhabitants thereof for a Court house for his Ldps Justices
to hold Court in, & a prison to secure prisoners when thereunto Comitted, And to & for
these very purposes for ever And I the sd John Allen for myselfe my heires Execrs
& Admrs doe hereby Covenant promise & graunt to & with the Right Honoble the Lord
Proprietary aforesd his heires & Successors, That I the sd John Allen my heires Execrs
Admrs or Assignes shall & will from time to time & at all times hereafter maintein
provide & keepe or Cause to be mainteined provided & kept a publicke ordinary or house
of entertainement neare unto the sd Court house & prison, for the Convenient enter-
tamement of his Ldps Justices & all other persons whatsoever at any time thither law-
fully resortinge: And shall & will keepe & Cause to be kept the sd Court house & prison
in good & sufficient repair for ever except their foundations shall happen to decay with
rottonnesse, And I the sd John Allen for myselfe my heires execrs & Admrs doe further
Covenant promise & grant to & with the Right Honoble the Ld Proprietary his heires &
Successors aforesd That I the sd John Allen my heires Execrs Admrs or Assignes shall
& will when & as often as thereunto required, make, doe, acknowledge & execute all
other such further act or acts, thing or things, devise or devises, Assurance or Assur-
ances in the law whatsoever, For the further better & more sure & perfect assureinge
& Conveyinge of all & singular the above graunted premises with their & every of their
rights members & appurtenances to the Right Honohle the Lord Proprietary his heires
& Successors as aforesd to & for the uses aforesd for ever, In wittnesse whereof I have
hereunto sett my hand & seale this tenth day of Novmbr in three & fortieth yeare of
the Dominion of the Right Honoble Caecilius absolute Lord & Proprietary of Maryland
& Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c: Anno Domini 1674 John Allen (locus) sigilli
Signed sealed & delivered
in the presence of
Benjamin Rozer
John Jones
Memoranda, that full & peaceable possession & seizin of the sd house was given by the
within named John Allen to Mr Henry Adames Mr Thomas Matthewes & Mr Ignatius
Causine three of his Ldps Justices on the behalfe of the Right Honorbl Caecilius
Absolute Lord & Proprietary of the Province of Maryland & Avalon Lord Baron of
Baltemore &c for the uses within mentioned in the presence of us whose names are
here under written
Benjamin Rozer
John Jones
Cleborne Lomax 12
Apparently Allen found himself unable to fulfill his agreement for at the January term,
1677, Thomas Hussey was given 20,000 pounds of tobacco for finishing the courthouse and
the two rooms in the shed behind, all of this to be done by September Court following.13
While this creation of Allen and Hussey was relatively large, it was shortly thereafter
to be enlarged by Michael Ashford with whom the commissioners signed the following agree-
ment on September 12, 1682 :
That the sd. Michaell Ashford doth hereby promise & covenant to with the
Commissioners of this County, to adde ten foote in Length to the Courthouse of this
12 Arch, of Md., LX, 615-18. For the sequel to the relation-
ship of Allen and Hussey see Arch, of Md., VIII, 24-26; and
for an interesting and somewhat different account of the court-
house of Port Tobacco see Ethel Roby Hayden, "Port Tobacco,
Lost Town of Maryland," Md. Hist, Mag., XL, 261-76.
13 Charles County Court Proceedings, G No. 1, 118, Ms,