24 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-89.
Liber B.
P. R. O.
his being unduely punished for that he is like to loose his hand
by the Officers ill execution of his Office whereupon the Sheri:
of St Maryes County was required to attend the Board who
appearing had nothing to say against the undue burning by
his Officer, but that he gave him no such order, but their honors
considering that the said Lewis is like thereby to be disabled and
that the Sher: is answerable for the Actions of his Officers
ordered that the said Lewis be discharged from paying any
Fees that have accrewed from his Imprisonment on the occa-
sions he received the punishments aforesaid
Tho: Hussey brot
before the Councill
The Sheriff of Charles County was re-
quired to attend the Board to make return of
p. 152
a Precept to him directed the 6th of March last for the bringing
before this Board Tho: Hussey of said County to answer a
certain contempt by him the said Hussey comitted as is said
against a Warrt granted by the honble Coll. Darnall and the
honble Major Sewall to forbid any disturbance of the usuall
passages of Man, Horse and Cart to the Court House of said
County and the said Sheriff brot the said Hussey accordingly
before the Board and his Lops Attorney Genll alsoe appeared
to prosecute the said Hussey upon the Complaint aforesaid the
said Sheriff of Charles County likewise made return he had
sumoned John Alwood, Ralph Shaw, John Bucher Wm Hawly
and Benj: Hobson to give evidence against the said
Hussev (in the pmisses as comanded—And thereupon
this Board proceeded to a hearing of this matter and haveing
fully heard and understood as well what the evidence in this
matter could sav aerainst the said Hussev and the defence
Cleared of
the Contempt
made by the said Hussey in his part this Board doe
clear the said Hussey from the Contempt of the
aforesaid Warrt against him, charged it not otherwise ap-
pearing but that he shewed due respect to the same, but this
Board doth say there was sufficient cause for Complaint
but Suff:
cause of
against the said Hussey in hindring and molesting
Philip Lynes to erect and build a kitchin for the Con-
veniency of the Court House aforesaid and therefore
there was good reason to convene him before this Board to
answer the same and the said Hussey promising not to trouble
paying his
the said Lynes any further in any thing against him
here charged, he is dismissed paying his charges &
Fees hereabout accrewed.
Robert Carvile in behalf of the Comissre of Cha: County
Court humbly prayed answer to their Petition exhibited to this
Board the 6th March last past for laying out the Lot for the
Court House of the said County, and Tho: Hussey being
present humbly prayed to be heard concerning the same and