Dallam Edward B. (Fitzgerald, Booth &,
Co.) 89 St. Paul
Dallnm & Carroll, commission merchants,
63 Buchanan's whf
Dallam Francis I. treas. Balt. Equit. Ins.
Co. 72 Saratoga
Dallam H. C. attor'y at law, 3 Counsellor's
hall, dw 72 Saratoga
Dallam Thomas J. clerk in Farmers &
Merchants' Bank, dw 76 Buren
Dallart Christian, tobacconist, 229 s Ann
Dallas Street Church, (M. E. colored) Dallas
n of Canton av.
Dallas Thos. blacksmith, 158 s Washington
Dalrymple Alexander, 183 Hanover
Dalrymple Dr. A. J. 241 e Baltimore
Dalrymple Rev. Ed ward A. prest.University
of Md. 32 Mulberry
Dalrymple Elizabeth H. 160 Vine
Dalrymple John, machinist, 112 Hill
Dalrymple Thomas, carpenter, 259 Forrest
Dalrymple Dr. Wm. D. 143 n Eutaw
Dalrymple Wm. 195 w Lombard
Dalrymple Wm. F. (Josiah Lee & Co ) 93
Dalton Chas. book dealer, corner Light and
Pratt, dw 153 e Lombard
Damast Philip, carpenter, 203 Montgomery
Damerone Jemima, 23 French
Dammann F. Wm St E. dry goods impor.
and com. merchts. over 260 w Baltimore,
dw. cor. George and Fremont
Dammann Dr. Lewis H. 164 e Pratt
Dammer Sebastian, huckster, 49 Diamond
Damme Adolph. shoemkr. 214 s Broadway
Danburg Samuel, dry goods dealer, 663 w
cor. Conwav and Hanuver, dw 107 Han-
over — [See Advertisement.]
Daneker Henry, sheet iron worker, 228
Daneker John F. millwright, 375 Franklin
Daneker John J. dep. sheriff, 143 Cross
Daneker Orman A. clerk, 26 Monument
Danels Bolivar D. jr. attorney and consul
Venezuela, 57 w Fayette, dw 184 Preston
Danels John D. jr. (Clagget & Co.) 67 e
Danes Christina, 233 n Caroline
Daniel Aug. varnisher, 45 Portland
Daniel Robert, of colleg. institute for young
ladies, 60 Saratoga
Daniel Robt. (T. Wilson & Co.) 62 s Gay
Daniels Henry, shoemaker, 93 Pierce
Daniels Isaac, copper smelt. Clinton s of
Boston, Canton
Daniels Walter, artist, 41 Hoffman
Daniels Walter, millwright, 242 Aisquith
Danir Asa, engineer, Elliott. Canton
Danitel Henry, box maker, 3 Vine
Darmany Owen, laborer, 52 Camden
Dannefelser Martin, shoemaker, Canton
Dannenberg F. K. 339 Lexinston
Dannenbersrer, Isaac, tailor, 57 Chesnut
Dannettel Henry L. grocer. 46 Leadenhall
Danson Capt. Lewis, 298 Franklin
Danskin Washington A. & Co. gents furn
store,6l wFavette,dw W. A. D. 11 n Eutaw
Danyes Andrew, 333 s Charles
Dapser Casper, baker, 313 s Bond
Darby Benjamin (Kephart & D.) 319 w
Darby Wm. carpenter, 321 e Monument .
Dare Eliza J. 95 s Paca
Dare Gid. G. (D. 8t McClure) 40 Columbia
Dare & McClure, flour and tobacco dealers,
95s Charles
Dare Margaret, 161 Hanover
Dare Wm. H. clerk, 183 s Paca
Dare W. H. carpenter, 13 Parkin
Darlen Chas umbrella maker, 50 Camden
Darley Lawr. blacksmith, 346 Mulberry
Darlev Sarah, 170 e Lombard
Darling F. T. dry goods dealer, 157 Forrest
Darling James, sexton Monument st. M.
E. Church, 40 Sterling
Darling John, tailor, 29 n Greene
Darling John, letter carrier, 285 n Gay
Darling Lewis, baker, 445 w Fayette
Darling Marv A. millinery goods dealer,
s e corner Baltimore and High
Darlington Howard, pro'r. planing mill,
210 s Howard, dw 246 w Madison
Darraugh Dan. & Co. imp. shoe findings &
leather, 16 s Calven, dw 28 s Broadway
Darrell Stewart, (J. C. Yates & Co.) necor.
Charles & Pleasant
Darring George, tailor, 48 Bethel
Darton John P. tailor, 84 French
Dary Wm. boot maker, 239 n Caroline
Dasch John P. tavern, 423 w Baltimore
Dash Peter, laborer, Canton
Dashields Daniel, painter, 153 e Lombard
Dashields Ellen, 152 e Pratt
Dashields Jas huckster, 126 s Spring
Dashiell Jesse, boarding house, 38 n Calvert
Dashiell Levin F. pro. Gersham hall, 172
s Bond, dw 170
Dashiell Matilda. board. house, 27J Aisquith
Dashiell Capt. Mitchell, 271 Aisquilh
Dashiell Dr. Nichls. Leeke, 207 Broadway
Dashiell Robert, board, ho. 153 e Lombard
Dassey Dennis, laborer, 1 New
Dates Sophia, 96 s Caroline
Daub Adam, blacksmith, 174 McHenry
Dauber John, tailor, 178 Aliceanna
Daughaday John T. carver, 125 Aisquith
Daughaday Richard, sione cutter, 106 Chew
Daugherday Jos. S. clerk, 178 Orleans
Daugherty Catharine, 283 n Gay
Daugherty James, printer, 80 Harford av
Daugherty John W. coal dealer, 5 n Canal,
dw Jackson sq. near Broadway
Daugherty Peter, laborer, 72 Davis
Daugherty Sarah H. dry goods dealer, 283
n Gay
Daugherty Thos. grocery, 186 e Baltimore
Daugherty Thomas, bricklayer, 194 s Ann
Daulby Capt. Richard, 150 s Caroline
Daum John, cooper, Clinton n of Boston,
Dausch Anthony, stevedore, 22 Regester
Dauterich Henry, tavern, 237 Aliceanna
Dauterich John, tavern, 27 Douglas
Davault Jacob, fireman, 91 Hamburg
Davenport Joseph, teacher, 98 n High
Davenport Susan, 93 Raborg
Read, between Charles and St Paul