Curley Mary, 82 Morris al
Curley Owen, wood sawyer, 29 Haw
Curley Thos. laborer, 6 Gold's ct
Curley Wm. carp. 206 n Howard, dw 360
Curley Wm. carpenter, 360 n Eutaw
Curran Edward, laborer, 151 Aliceanna
Curran Francis, laborer, 40 Slemmer's al
Curran John H. blacksmith, 1 Humes
Curran Mary, Bachelors' al near President
Curran Michael, laborer, 23 Guilford al
Curran Michael, grocery, 30 HaMpstead
Curran Nicholas, plumber, 310 Light
Curran Valentine, barber, 90 s Charles
Currell Samuel, shoemaker, 27 Bevan al
Curry Hugh, dyer, 47 Harmony lane
Curry James, clerk, 94 Hollins
Curry John R. house carp. 96 e Lombard
Curry John, shoemaker, 84 Pierce
Curry John, carter, 147 Castle al
Curry P. S. polisher, 3 Garden
Curry Samuel P. grocer, 199 e Madison
Curry Wm. H. watchman. 92 w Biddle
Cursch Waldemar, German bookseller, 3 s
Gay, dw 42 Lexingion
Curtain Margaret, 412 n Gay
Curtain Michael, tailor, 409 s Charles
Curtain Robert, painter, 197 Forrest
Curtain Saml. (Verlander & C.) 228 n Eden
Curtin Mary, 32 German
Curtis John, laborer, 14 Edward
Curtis John, cabinetmaker. 230 German
CURTIS & POST, com. merchts.43 South
Curtis Patrick, laborer, Canton
Curtis Reuben S. (C. & Post,) 50 s Spring
Curtley Thos. mate, 10 Fountain
Curtz Henry, shoemaker, 232 s Bond
Carvel John, bricklayer, 323 n Eutaw
Curvel Fanny, 9G e Eager
Cusack Laughlin, laborer, 27 e Monument
Cushings & Bailey,booksellers & stationers
282 w Baltimore
Cushing Chas. E. (Courtney & C.) 215
w Madison
Cushing David, (Ham & C ) 97 w Fayette
Cushing John, (C. & Bailey,) cor Lom-
bard and Paca
Cushing Joseph, (Whitney, C.& Comstock)
cor Lombard & Paca
Cushing Joseph jr. (Cushings & Bailey,) 99
w Fayette
Cushing Richard, blacksmith, 269 Durham,
dw s Washington,
Cashley Jane, grocer. 62 Hampstead
Cushman Cephas, (Baker & C.) Fountain
Cushman J. R. agent, ship chand. and com
mt. 109 Smith's whf. dw Ann n of Balt.
Cushman Wm. H. seaman, 120 Granby
Cussman Philip, laborer, 244 Durham
Cutcher Francis, bricklayer, 41 n Schroeder
Cutino Bart, barber and hairdresser, 27 s
CUTLER CHAS. S. dry goods dealer, 36
e Baltimore
Cuttle George, grocer and lea dealer, 18 n
Cuttman Harman, laborer, 142 Canton av
Cyriax Dr. Bernard, 19 s Liberty
Dack John, baker, 280 n Howard
Dacon Levin, laborer, 31 Church
Dadds Harriet, seamstress, back of Wash-
Dadds John W. carpenter. 114 Boyd
Daemm Conrad, tailor, 163 e Fayette
Daffin Benj. C. cutler, 2 Holiday, dw 44 n
Daffin Chas.C. D. engineer, 154 Garden
Dagner Saml. grocery, 214 s Caroline
Dahl Jacob, grocer, 11 Union
Dahle John H. C. tailor and clothier, 85 n
Dahler Conrad, laborer, 6 Amity
Daickern John, tavern, 426 w Fayette
DAIGER FR. A. hosiery and trimmings
dealer, 122 n Greene
Daiger Joseph jr. charcoal deal. 132 s High
Daiger Mat. A. cabinetmaker, 180 s Bond
Daigin J. 200 Ross
Dail Daniel, carp. 4 Tripolett's al, dw 126
s High
Dailey A. H. grocer, 125 Hillen
Dailey Ephraim V. 125 Hillen
Dailey Joseph, chairmaker, 24 Jackson
Daily Thomas, saddle and harness maker,
41 South, dw Calvert near Baltimore
Daingerfield Ann E. 144 Mulberry
Dainhart Nicholas, grocery, 63 s Fremont
Daiser Simon, porter, 177 Canton av
Dalby Wm. T (Dinsmore & Kyle,) Calvert
near Lexingion
Dale Christopher, old iron dealer, 376 s
Dale Samuel, carpenter, 274 Mulberry
Dale Samuel, grocer, 515 Saratoga
Daley Anthony, tinner, 710 w Baltimore
Daley Bernard tailor, 92 York
Daley Elijah, chairmaker, 97 Chew
Daley Fanny, milliner, 56 Holland
Daley Henry, cabinetmaker, 295 Saratoga
Daley Isabella, dressmaker, 56 Holland
Daley Jacob, jr. chairmaker, 158 e Fayelte,
dw 162
Daley John C. trunnel maker, Bachelors' al
near President
Daley John, shoemaker, 16 Jackson's ct
Daley John, carter, 232 Raborg
Daley John, bookseller, 56 Holland
Daley John, blacksmith, 65 Sarah Ann
Daley Joseph, cabinetmaker, 273 w Pratt,
dw 24 Jackson
Daley Lewis, shoemaker, 17 n Canal
Daley Mark, laborer, 53 Tyson al
Daley Martin, tailor, 82 n Canal
Daley Mary, 207 Franklin
Daley Michael, laborer, 9 Willow
Daley Michael, confectioner, 107 n Calvert
Daley Owen, 6 Pleasant
Daley Patk. laborer, cor Ridgely & Ostend
Daley Patrick, baker, 751 w Baltimore
Daley Stephen & Bro. American hall, 202
Daley Thomas, laborer, 257 Forrest
Daley Wm. J. carpenter, 492 w Lombard
Dall Austin, (D. Gibbons & Co ) 74 Cathe-
DALL, GIBBONS, & CO. dry goods com.
merchants, 10 Hanover
Dall Joseph E. (D. Gibbons & Co.) 74