Stauf Henry, mercht. tailor, 24 e Baltimore
Stauff Ernest, tailor, 72 e Lombard
Stauff Benedict, grocery, 73 Jefferson
Staum John, 201 Conway
Stautes Chas. bricklayer, Towson, L. Pt.
Stavener Thomas, sawyer, 87 McElderry's
Staylor Andrew J. machinist, 154 French
Staylor Henry jr. carpenter, 224 Aisquith
Staylor Henry, carpenter, 191 n High, dw
48 French
Staylor Jno. jr. butcher, 89 Green Mount av
Staylor John, rope maker, 124 West
Siaylor John, butcher. 27 Green Mount av
Staylor Thomas, blacksmith. 57 Harford av
Staylor Thomas, bricklayer. 485 n Gay
Staylor William, clerk, 47 French
St. Bridget's Church, (Catholic) Canton
Jacob Brandt, agent, 78 Light, st. wharf
Steam Ferry, Thames between Bond and
Steam Etnanuel, ragman, 144 Durham
Slearn Jacob, shoemaker, 145 Durham
Stearns George, 24 s Calvert, dw corner
Madison and Orchard
Stearns Wm. machinist, Boston, Canton
Steck Charles A. smith, S2 n Broadway
Steck Lewis, blacksmith, 205 Ensor
Steckinfinger Jacob, tavern, 1043 w Pratt
Stedewald Adam, laborer, al near Lombard
and Broadway
Stedman Adaline, 116 e Favette
Steelbert Mack, tailor, 78 Eastern av
Steele Anne, 125 Garden
Steele I. Nevitt, attorney, 3 and 4 Eldon
hall.Fayette, dw 259 w Madison
Steele Mrs. Mary Ann, watch and clock
store, 8 w Lombard
Sieele Robert, carpet weaver, 11 Calendar
STEELMAN JOHN S. last and tree ma-
ker, 86 w Lombard
Steen Ann E. 9 Spring court
Steen Isaiah, attorney, over 212 w Balti-
more, dw 16 Watson
Steen James, laborer, 191 s Howard
Steer Grace, 62 Chew
Steer William, butcher, 258 e Fayette
Steerwaltz John, cooper. 20 May
SteeverDanl. butcher, Franklin road near
Steever E. W. cl'rk Ericcson line steamb'ts,
Fremont s of Fayette
Steever George, clerk, 175 German
Steever Hamlet, 155 Ensor
Steever Lafayette, livery stable, 124 Ensor,
dw 117 Harford av
Stefer —— (H. & S ) 231 w Pratt
Steffe Daniel, painter, 404 Lexington
Steffe Lewis, carpenter, 49 n Amity, dw
11 n Fremont
Stehl & Co. German apothecaries, 285 n
Stehl Henry, tavern, 75 Penn av
Stehl John, apothecary, 31 n Eutaw
Stehl Justus, (S. & Co.) 283 n Gay
Stegmair John, dentist, 77 Eastern av
Stegman Fredk. cigar store, 232 Hanover
Steklien Charles, tailor, 90 Block
Steigers Clotilda, teacher, 55 Harford av
Steigers Jos. blacksmith. 40 Little Carlton
Steigerwald Mayer, brick maker, Canton,
dw 245 e Baltimore
Steigleman Abram, watchman, 179 n Canal
Steigleman Jeff, bricklayer, 267 n Eden
Steible Mandle, pedler, 143 Chesnut
Stein Brothers, wholesale clothiers, 295 w
Stein Christopher, tailor, 11 Goodman al
Stein Ernest, millinery store, 477 w Balti-
STEIN E. A. bar iron dealer, 99 w Lom-
bard, dw 5 e Fayette
Stein Henry, engineer, 100 e Lombard
Stein Jacob, butcher, 18 Hampstead
Stein John, cooper, 1017 w Pratt
Stein John, tailor, 109 n Spring
Stein John, shoemaker, 1 Hoffman
Stein John, shoemaker, 67 Thames
Stein Leopold, confectioner, 44 e Baltimore
Stein Mary Ann. 87 Green Mount av
Stein Meyer, (S. Bros.) corner Dover and
Stein Michael, paver, 24 Union
Stein Moses H. shoemaker, 164 s Fremont
Stein Sarah E, board'ng h. 117 e Baltimore
Stein Samuel, ship carpenter, Canton av
near Gist
Stein Samuel, (S.Bros.) 96 Camden
Stein Solomon, (S. Bros.) 96 Camden
Steinbach Christian, (S. &Mache,) 278 s
Steinbach G. P. (S. & Roussell,) Reservoir
Steinbach & Mache, saddle, harness, and
trunk makers, 278s Bond
Steinbach & Roussell, fancy goods and no-
tion dealers, 77 n Howard
Steinbach Robert watch maker, 300 n Gay
Steinborger Adam, laborer, 33 May
Steinburg George, cabinet maker, 351 Lex-
Steiner, Bro. & Co. wholesale clothiers,
320 w Baltimore
Steiner Charles, brass finisher, 116 French
Steiner David C. provision store, Biddle
near Madison, dw 57 w Biddle
Steiner Elizabeth, 247 w Lombard
Steiner Frederick, clerk, 17 Penn
Steiner Jacob, laborer, 231 Lemmon
Steiner John, painter, 136 French
Steiner Dr. Lewis H. 48 s Eutaw
Steiner Moses, (S. Bro. & Co.) 51 n Liberty
Steinhauser Dom. gilder, 3 House's court
Steinhauser Henry, stone cutter, 67 Hillen
Steinicker Henry 57 James la
Steinway Jacob, porter, 38 Slemmer al
Stelbrink Frederick, moulder, near 61 Cen-
ter Market space
Stelling Henry, laborer, 278 s Ann
Stellinger John, laborer, 94 s Spring
porters German, Englisn and French
goods, 12 Hanover
Steltmann John, (S. Hinrichs & Co ) 264
Stembler John V. shoemaker, 831 w Balti-