Standiford Edw'd, carpenter, 88 e Madison
Standiford Jacob, watchman, 112 Stirling
Standiford Philip, carpenter, 151 Hollins
St. Andrews' Church, (Episcopal,) High n
of Lombard
Sunfield Wm. stone cutter, 12s Fremont
Stanford Thomas, hatter, 97 n Caroline
Stanford Thomas H. 216 Saratoga
Stanger Henry, cooper, 114 Cross
Stanger John, laborer, 26 Boyd
Stanley C. tailoress, Wine al. near Charles
STANLEY & CO. stove dealers & founders,
n e cor. Light and Lombard
Stanley James, brush maker, 20 Garden
Stanley John P. E. (S. & Co.) cor. St. Paul
and Mulberry
Stanley Wm. National Gardens, 254 Biddle
Stanling Peter M. japanner, 1 Hollings-
worth, dw 2 Grant
Stanington John, omnibus driver, Canton
Stansbury August. M. cooper, 195 n Exeter
Siansbury Benj. De Ford, (Grupy & S.) 84
n Charles
Stansbury Chas. T. seaman, 5 Bounty lane
Stansbury Elijah, mule trader, 87 Columbia
Stansbury Elizabeth J. 116 e Monument
Stansbury Daniel R. conductor railroad, 352
w Lombard
Stansbury Darius, grocer, 117 n High, dw 76
Stansbury Col. Elijah, lime merchant, 103
Stansbury Henry E. licensed guager, 45 w
Stansbury Geo. shoemaker. 471 Saratoga
Stansbury George, tinner, 102 n Eden
Stansbury George W. 61 Holland
Stansbury Isaac, mule trader, 87 Columbia
STANSBURY JAMES, property agent &
collector, over 18 North
Stansbury James E clothier, 43 Thames
Stansbury Jesse, collector, 326 Aisquith
Stansbury John S. grocer and provision
dealer, 12 and 14 Pennsylvania av. dw
184 Pearl
Stansbury John E. agents furnishing store,
2S3 w Pratt
Stansbury John, grocer, 111 Wolfe .
Stansbury Joseph B. cor. Balt. & Broadway
Stansbury Levi, clothier, 203 s Charles
Stansbury Mary, 187 n High
Stansbury Minifred, 112 Hillen
Stansbury Nathl. collector, 94 s Eden
Stansbury Nicholas, 13 Albernarle
Siansbury Robert, laborer, 136 Henrietta
Stansbury Richard, feed store, Thames, dw
222 e Fayette
Stansbury Sam'l, shoemaker, 231 e Fayette
Stansbury Thomas, Thompsonian practi-
tioner, 165 n Caroline
STANSBURY COL. WM. real estate
agent, Forrest near Low, dw 263 Har
ford av
Stansbury Wm. T. printer, 83 n Exeter
Stansbury Wm. J. carpenter, 233 Biddle
Stansbury Wm. H. house carpt. 150 Bank
Siansbury Wm. ship carpenter, 126 s Wolf
St. Anthony's Orphan Asylum, (Catholic,
Eden near Chase
Stanton John, tavern, West Falls av nea
Stanton Cecilia. Chester s of Eastern av
Stanton Mrs. P. confectioner, Chester n of
Eastern av
Stanton Rebecca, 3(56 w Lombard
Stanton Thomas, grocer. 217 Light
Slanton William blacksmith, 217 Light
Stanz Wm. shoemaker, 271 s Bond
Stapf Anth'y, lager beer saloon, 197 Sharp
Stapleford Winlock, watchman, 70 s Ann
Stapleton John, laborer, 171 Columbia
Stapleton Laertes C. cigarmk. 180 Columbia
Staplelon Reg. E. 9 n Exeter
Stapleton Timothy, laborer, Ulrick
Starker James, butcher, Hampstead near
Starker John, bootmaker, 57 s Eutaw
Starkey John, watchman custom house, 80
Starkey Wm. butcher, 9 Addison
Starkman Frank, laborer, over 89 McEl-
derry's whf
STARKWETHER N. G. architect, 30
Law buildings
Starn Lobe, clothier, 46 w Pratt, dw 120 e
STARR B. F. & CO. French burr mill-
stone makers, 398 w Pratt, dw B. F. S. 7
Starr Edward G. magistrate, Mansion
house, Fayette, dw 73 McCulloh
Starr Ellen, dry goods dealer, 80 Penn. av
Starr George, huckster, 164 William
Starr Joseph, 122 Mulberry
STARR CAPT. JOSEPH, of steamboat
Phoenix, 114 Light-st.-whf
Starr Geo. W. produce and lime merchant,
165 n Howard, dw 238 w Madison
Starr George, carpenter, 50 Chew
Starr Dr. Hezekiah, 16 n Liberty
Starr Joseph, burr mill stone worker, 122
Starr Margaretta, n of Elliott, Canton
Starr Moses M. shoemaker, 61 Chesnut
STARR ROBERT, tobacconist, 27 s Gal-
vert, dw 182 n Calvert
Starr Samuel W 305 w Lombard
STARR. WESLEY & SONS, general com
mission merchants, 85 and 87 s Charles
Siarr Wesley, (W. S. & Sons,) 258 w
Starr William M. (W. S. & Sons,) 260 w
Starrs Pat'k. queensware dealer, 312 n Gay
Start Benj. H. carpenter, 270 e Monument
Start James, carpenter, 140 German
Start Solomon R. grocer, 117 William
Startzman Abraham, tanner, 83 s Eden
STARTZMAN DAVID, leather dealer,
corner Lombard and Calvert, dw 239 w
Startzman Isaac, currier and leather deal'r,
51 s Calvert, dw 16 s Gay
Stassfort Lewis, shoemaker, 45 s Liberty
Staton George W. clerk 212 n Canal
Staub J. carpenter, 14 Vine
Stauch George, tailor, 67 e Lombard
Staudle Frederick, tailor, 215 Light
Stauf Aaron, tailor, 72 e Lombard
r Stauf George, house carpenter, Salisbury
al dw 72 e Lombardd