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Woods' Baltimore Directory for 1856-57
Volume 544, Page 289   View pdf image (33K)
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225 ROS

Rollins Edward, 257 Sharp
Rollins Geo. tailor, 348 e Eager
Rollins Capt. Wm. 308 Lexington
Rollman Fern, cabinetmkr. 49 Constitution
Rollman John, baker, 167 n Canal
ROLOSON & APPOLD, prod, and prov.
merchts. 14 Water
ROLOSON FREDERICK.varnish manuf.
and provision dealer, 385 w Baltimore,
dw 305 Lexingion
Roloson Hugh, bacon dealer, 489 w Balti-
more, dw 3 Pearl
Roloson Wm. H. (R. & Appold) 80 Camden
Rolston Robert, clerk, 274 w Pratt
Rolston Wm. laborer, 113 Pierce
Roman John A. tailor, 329 s Bond
Romer John, grocery, 161 s Chester
Rommall Earnest, tailor, 5 Spring court
Rommel Philip, grain and feed dealer, 189
s Bond
Rurnoser George, shoemaker, 307 Saratoga
Romoser Jacob, blacksmith, 34 St. Mary
Romoser John, tailor, 311 Saratoga
Romoser John, grocery, 161 York
Romoser John G. shoemaker, 363 Saratoga
Romoser Samuel, tailor, 70 Pine
Rondo Bartholomew, laborer 33 Albemarle
Ronev Patrick, grocer and wood dealer, 129
McElderry's whf. dw 71 n Exeter
Roney Peter, laborer, 17 French
Roney Thomas, hackman, 51 Pine
Ronmiller John, porter, 93 Warner.
Ronstrum John,ship carp. 195 s Washington
Rooker Miss Rebecca, 133 Pearl
Rooney Hugh, 95 Fork
Rooney James, coach driver, 125 Dover
Rooney James F. 155 Cathedral
Rooney Michael, wagoner, 123 n Canal
Roney Patrick, laborer, 148 e Madison
Rooney Patrick H. 69 Pear!
Roonev Thomas, laborer, 123 Dover
Roose Philip, baker, 41 s Poppleton
Roose Sarah, 67 n Amity
ROOT BASIL, magistrate, cor. Saratoga
and Eutaw, dw 232 Saratoga
Root Daniel, clerk, 232 Saratoga
Root Hen ry R.(Sprague & R.) 92 n Charles
Root Sarah, 98 e Madison
Root Wm. blacksmith, 98 e Madison
Rope John, ship carp. 254 s Ann
Ropes Mrs. Emily W. 204 Biddle
Ropp John, brush maker, 219 Eastern av
Roppelt Conrad, laborer, 153 s Wolfe
Ropps Matthew, brickinaker, Frederick
road near Pratt
Roque Francis, shoe findings and leather
dealer, 59 Harrison
Rark Mary, huckstress, 1 Camden lane
ROSE BERNARD, clothier, 252 w Pratt
Rose Eleanor, grocery, 1 George st al
Rose Geo. C. shoemaker, 187 n Canal
Rose George, butcher, 482 Light
Rose Catharine, 206 Hollins
Rose Hirsch, dry goods dealer, 217 w Pratt
Rose Israel L. shoemaker, 299 Light
Rose Jacob, rag dealer, 70 Perry
Rose Jacob, dry goods merch. 170 Lexing-
ton, dw 259
Rose Dr. John, medical physician,57 Sharp
Rose John, firerman. 87 Dover

Rose John, (R. & Lyon) 220 w Lombard
ROSE & LYON, ship brokers and commis.
merchts. 1 O'Donnell's whf. cor. Pratt
Rose Peter, (Maynard & R.) 40 1/2 Con way
Rose Peter, (Maynard & R.) 131 n Gay
Rose Simeon L. carpenter, 471 Light
Rose Wm. H. Military Hall, 24 n Gay
Rose Wm. finisher, 30 Orchard
Rosebecker Francis, tanner, Saratoga near
Rosehen B. S. clerk, 160 n Bond
Roseman Cecilia, teacher, 54 n Fremont
Rosemer George, tavern, 23 n Frederick
Rosemer John, carpet weaver, 48 Harrison
Rosemer Sebastian, carpet, weaver, 57
Penn. av
Rosenbat Simon, dry goods deal.62 Aisquith
Rosenbeaum Elias, clerk, 170 Lexington
Rosenbeaum Isaac, dry goods dealer, 168
Rosenberg Abraham, dry goods dealer, 4
Centre Market space
Rosenberg & Bro. cap manufs. over 18 s
Rosenberg Geo. (R. & Bro.) 64 German
Rosenberg Lewis, 181 Franklin
Rosenberg M. L. dry goods dealer, 242 s
Rosenberger Francis, tailor, 62 Somerset
Rosenberger John, grocery, 64 Somerset
Rosenberger John, laborer, 35 Union
Rosenberger Joseph, dealer in rags, &c.
22 President
Rosenberger Moses, huckster,95e Lombard
Rosen berry Jacob, tailor, 257 e Eager
Rosenberrv John, brush mak. 210 Columbia
Rosenbrook Capt. Christian, 168 Cross
Rosenbush Samson, pedler, 120 Dallas
Rosendale Henry, furniture dealer, 7 and 9
Ema lane
Rosendale Henry, painter, 133e Fayette
Rosendit Frederick, laborer,291 e Aliceanna
Rosendow Frederick, silversmith, 112 e
Rosenfeld Abraham, property agent, 113 e
Rosenfeld Barbara, 311 Canton av
Rosenield Simon & Co. impors.and manufs.
of Havana and principe segars, 10 s Gay,
dw 43 e Lombard
Rosengarn J. H. grocery, 300 Mulberry
Rosenhaupt Jonas, clothier, 101 Harrison
Rosenheim Bernard, rag dealer, 34 Holland
Rosensteel Elizabeth, 97 n Eutaw
Rosensteel George T. painter, 51 Mulberry
Rosensteel Joseph G. W. letter carrier, 226
n Canal
Rosenstock David, huckster, 216 s Bond
Rosenstock Gerson, clothier, 41 s Broadway
Rosenstock Jos. grocery, Castle al n of Bank
Rosenstock Lewis, clothier. 178 s Bond
Rosenstock Samuel, 237 Canton av
Rosenswig Elias, manuf. caps, over s e cor.
Baltimore and Sharp, dw 834 w Baltimore
Rosenswig Newman,tailor,247 Montgomery
Rosenthall Harman, tinner, d6 Cnesnut
Rosenthall Joseph, embroideries and fancy
goods dealer, 57 w Baltimore
Rosenthall Levi, second hand furn. dealer,
31 Penn. av



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Woods' Baltimore Directory for 1856-57
Volume 544, Page 289   View pdf image (33K)
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