Rode Fredk. pianomaker, 385 w Pratt
Rode Martin, machinist, 186 Aliceanna
Rode Philip, tailor, 103 Lancaster
Rnden Patrick, stone mason, 55 Granby
Rodenberg Henry, 122 West
Rodenmayer Christian, boilermaker, 314
e Monument
Rodenmayer Geo. C. cabinetmak. 33 Ensor
Rodenmayer Henry, printer, 14 Green
Mount av
Rodenmaver John, painter, 51 n Paca, dw
27 Pine"
Rodenmayer Mary, confectioner, 211 w
Rodenmayer Wm. A. carp. 215 w Fayette
Roder Casper, laborer, Elliott, Canton
Roder F. bookseller, Pratt, dw 71 Hanover
Roder John, cabinetmaker, 248 n Caroline
Roder Lewis, tinner, 214 s Bond
Rodewig Earnest, shoemk. rear 73 Hanover
Rodewald H. (Pumplitz & R.) 7 Harrison
Rodewald Miss —— , 7 Harrison
Rodewald Henry, Bel Air av near Balti-
more Cemetery
Rodgers Anthony, laborer, 273 Fremont
Rodgers Charles W. brushmaker, 56 s Eu-
taw, dw 142 Vine
Rodgers George H. 51 St. Paul
Rodgers Geo. (John R. & Son,) 60 n High
Rodgers James A. printer, 309 Light
Rodgers John, fisherman, 1 e Second
Rodgers John & Son, fire engine bnilders &
machinists, 48 n High, dw 43
Rodgers Capt. John J. 25 s Exeter
Rodley Mrs. Thos. confectioner, Chop-
tank near Hampstead
Rodman Chas. machinist, 26 East
Rodney Geo. W. ship carp. 144 s Washin'n
Roe Samuel, carpenter, 234 Preston
Roeder Charles, carpenter, 15 Orchard
Roeder Catherine, grocery, 56 e Lombard
Roediger Chas. shoemaker, 15 Durham
Roehner Valentine, cooper, 251 Canton av
Roelkey George A; shoemak. 120 s Greene
Roemer Casper, shoemaker, 347 Canton av
Roese Henry, iron smelter, 72 Leadenhall
er, 117 Thames
Roeth Fredk. W. grocer, 251 s Howard
Roeth Ferdinaml, dry goods dealer, 241 w
Pratt, dw 249 s Howard
Roethn Christian, shoemak 255 s Charles
Rogal Henry, whitewasher,5 New Church
Roger N. sofamaker, 24 Park
Rogers Alexander, hatter, 190 Chesnut
Rogers Alexander M. 57 n Charles
Rogers Ammi, mariner, 141 Castle al
Rogers C. P. (R. & Curley,) Baltimore Co.
Rogers C.Howard, (Foard &R,) 75 St.Paul
Rogers & Curley, druggists, 323 w Baltim'e
Rogers David, shoedealer, 746 w Baltimore
Rogers D. G. (Brooks, Fulton & Co,) 544 w
Rogers Edmund L. attorney, 70 w Fayette,
dw 63 Counland
Rogers Edward, saddler, 190 Chesnut
Rogers Elizabeth, 569 w Fayette
Rogers Evans, (Rogers & Wetherall,) 101
Rogers Miss E. M. milliner, 190 Chesnut
Rogers Frederick L. confecl. 16s Fremont
Rogers George, book keeper, 51 St. Paul
Rogers Geo. (Thomas & R.) 112 Hanover
ROGERS HENRY J. electric telegraph
engineer, 56 Exchange place, dw 601 w
Rogers Isaac, iron manufactr. 37 n Calvert
Rogers Jacob S. stone cutter, 188 Chesnut
Rogers James, mariner, 301 s Charles
Rogers James, grocery, 9 Friendship
Rogers Jas. C. (Coleman & R.) 9 s Exeter
ROGERS JASON, hosiery and trimmings
dealer, n e cor Lexington and Pearl
Rogers Juhn H. 79 s Paca
Rogers John P. (Nathan R. & Co.) 188
Rogers John A. (Thrasher, R. & Co.)
Howard House
Rogers John W. engineer, 6 Raborg
Rogers John, 1 Ross
Rogers John H. clerk in bank, Calhoun
near Lombard
Rogers Joseph jr. (Baker & Bro.) 30 Pine
Rogers Michael, W. (Duvall, R. & Co.)
95 Saratoga
Rogers Mary, 9 Franklin
Rogers Mary Ann, 46 n High
ROGERS NATHAN & CO. ship and
com. merchants, 111 Smith's wharf, dw
N. R. 188 Franklin
Rogers Peter, carter, 162 Burgundy al
Rogers Patrick, grocer, 457 Saratoga
law, 3 Spurrier's ct. Lexingion
Rogers Rowland, 8 Mulberry
Rogers Sarah, wash worn. 16 Armistead la.
Rogers Seth S. (Coleman & R.) 618 w Bal-
Rogers Thomas, 8 Williamson al
steel warehouse, 16 Water
ROGERS WM. of Jacob, coal yard 514 w
Fayette, dw 31 n Calhoun
Rogers Wm. fisherman, 4 West Falls av
Rogers Wm. (Jas. Hazlitt & Co.) 14 Lloyd
Rogers Wm. (Heslen & R.) 10 s Gay
Rogge Charles, upholsterer, 58 Pearl
Rogue Peter, cooper, 71 Jasper,
Rohleter Francis, carpet weav. 12 L.Gough
Rohmner John, tailor, 18 East
Rohlfing Christian, caiter, 118 e Fayette
Rohlfing Henry, tailor, 64 Short
Rohlfing Henry W. furniture wagon, 118
e Fayette
Rohr Leon, cabinetmaker, 2 State
Rohrer Edward, National hotel
-Rohrer John, piano manuf. 211 Canton av
Rohrman Adam, baker, 28 East
Rohrman Thos. laborer, 28 East
Rokess John, 45 Orleans
Roland Enoch, steamboat hand,233 Hanover
Roley Edward, sail maker, 135 s Eden
Rolf Henry, ship carp. 142 Regester
Rolf Henry, shoemaker, 381 Penn. av
Rolfes Anton, grocer, 24 Thames
Rolfing Wm. (Louis Stirn & Co. )92 Raborg
Rolker Henry, laborer, 88 York
Roll John, butcher, 68 Star al
Rollers Thos. huckster, 143 s Fremont
Rolliday Robt. express wagnr.63 Eastern av