Gray James, laborer, 5 Willow
Gray John, huckster, 92 Gough
Gray John, shoemaker, 241 n Canal
Gray John W. (Solomon, G. & Co.) 114
Gray Joseph, sailmaker, 50 Broadway
Gray Capt. Peter, 16 East Falls avenue
Gray R. W. tobacconist, 36 South, dw 182
n Eutaw
Gray Sarah, 124s Ann
Gray Thomas, cabinet maker, 12 Grant
Gray Vincent, tailor, 497 w Pratt
Gray Wesley, sailor, 259 Aliceanna
Gray Wm. hatter, 16 Thompson
Gray Wm. sailmaker, 152 s Broadway
Greaber Casper, ship carpenter, 86 Star al
Grease Casher, grocery, Jew al near Lex-
Greasher Chas, paper stainer, 389 s Eutaw
Greason George, 252 Lee
Greason Thomas, huckster, 204 German
Great Elizabeth, 20 Tessier
Greble Benjamin, stone and earthenware
factory, 76 Ensor, dw 30 Harford avenue
Greby Henry, tailor, 397 n Canal
Greda John, shoemaker, 21 Perry
Greece Thomas, 21 Barnes
Green Amon & Co. cotton yarn, carpet and
chain manuf. n w cor. Exeter & Hillen
Green Andw. coach trimmer, 358 Franklin
Green Andrew, huckster, 383 n Gay
Green Armistead, paper hanger, 123 Ais-
Green Benjamin, nightman, 75 n Spring
Green & Brother, iron founders, 86 Green
Mount av
Green Chas. A. shipsmith, 252s Broadway
GREEN CHARLES B. grocer, 138 n Gay,
dw 130 n High
Green Charles Bennet, (Chance & G.) 147
Green Charles, plough maker, Canton
Green Cornelius, barber, 29 w Pratt, dw
160 e Fayette ,
Green Edward J. 132 n Howard
Green Frederick S. (Sumwalt & G.) 18 s
Green George, 25 Sterrett
Green George, millwright, 135 Mulberry
Green George M. bricklayer, 47 George
Green George M. carpenter, 36 Hoffman
Green Henrv, (Blackiston & G.) 450 w
Green Henry H. currier, 194 Lexington
dw 4 Pearl
Green Henry L. gas fitter, 36 Buren
Green Jacob, lime and hair dealer, 44
Buren, dw 185 e Monument
Green Capt. James, Ann n of Lombard
Green James, librarian Mercantile Library
42 Saratoga
Green James, provision dealer, dw 206 e
Green James H. boiler maker, 160 Cross
Green John, policeman, 126 Preston
Green John, laborer, 193 Montgomery
Green John, 224 s Charles
Green John, iron moulder, 68 Hillen
Green John J. blacksmith, H Grundy
Green John Thomas, moulder, 250 Light
Green Capt. John M. (Crookshanks & G.
136 n Exeter
Green Joseph, tailor, 51 Chatsworth
Green Joseph, 60 n Bond
Green Joseph, shoemaker, 253 Columbia
3reen Joseph D. machinist, cor. Dallas an
Lancaster, dw 134 s Bond
Green Joshua, laborer, 220 Mulberry
Green Joshua H. machinist, 118 Jefferson
Green Lazarus, laborer, 145 Canton av
Green Lydia, 176 n Eutaw
Green Mary Ann, 63 n Exeter
Green Mary, grocery, 111 Hillen
Green Michael, laborer, 646 w Pratt
Green Moses, second hand dealer,
Green Rebecca, 250 Light
Green Rebecca, 102 Ensor
Green Richard C. cooper, 49 Commerc
dw 167 s Paca
Green Richard H. blacksmith, 296 n Euta
Green Samuel, huckster, 31 May
Green Samuel, ladies' shoemaker, 8 Low
Green Thomas, Broad alley near Greer
Green Thomas, tavern, 213 Barre
Green Thos, proprietor Traveler's Home
47 Thames
Green Thomas, carpenter, 5 Orleans
Green Thomas, clerk, 29 s Broadway
Green Thomas P. 132 n High
Green Wm. merchant tailor, 119 w Pra
dw cor. Barre and Eutaw
Green Wm. carpenter, 269 Biddle
Green W m. 14 Webster alley
Green Wm. H. conductor, 50 s Republic
Green Wm. R. currier, 101 n Front
Greenbaum & Bro. clothiers, 264 s Bond
Greenbaum Henry, (G. &Bro.) 51 Aisquith
Greenbaum Henry, clothier, 64 Aisquith
Greenbaum Henry, tailor, 134 w Pratt
Greenbaum Isaac, pedler, 191 s Bond
Greenbaum Isaac, tailor, 144 w Pratt
Greenbaum Jacob, clothier, 260 Baltimore
dw 58 Centre Market space
Greenbaum John P. (G. & Bro.) 264 s Bond
Greenbaum M. tailor, 207 Light
Greenbaum M. tailor, 430 w Baltimore
Greenbaum Mark, shoemaker, 223 south
Greenbaum Meyer, clothier, 166 Forrest
Greenbaum Nathan G. grocer, 157 Orleans
Greenbaum Simon, dry goods dealer, 234
Greenbaum Solomon, clothier, 298 w Prs
Greenbaum Wolf, grocery, 417 Saratoga
Greene Peter W. cabinetmaker, 162 n Bond
Greenebald Abraham, furniture store, 165
dealer, 167 Lexington, dw 261 Saratoga
[See Advertisement.]
Greenfield Caleb. W. hardware merchant
236 Lexington
Greenfield Harriet M. 261 Saratoga
Greenfield Thomas K. (J. & T. King & G.)
89 s High
Greenhart John, shoemaker, 13 Park
Greenhord A. baker, 80 Harrison
Greenlaw Thomas P. clerk, corner Fayette
and Eutaw