Graff Frederick, blacksmith, 236 Biddle
Graff Geo. U. (G. & Co.) 75 n Charles
Graff John D. (Mohler, G. & Co.) 2 n Eden
Graff John, shoemaker, 27 Abbey al
Graff N. shoemaker, 51 Preston
Graff Peter, clothier, 91 n Caroline
Graff Peter, shoemaker, 260 Dallas
Graff Samuel J. tobacconist, 107 e Pratt
Grafflin George W. (O'Brien, G. & Han-
son) 296 w Lombard
Grafflin Jacob W. locust timber and trenail
deal. West Falls av. dw 39 s Exeter
Grafflin Joseph, book keeper, 104 Franklin
Grafflin J. C. (Loane & G.) 7 Hollins
Graft John, stonemason, 108 n Paca
Graft J. Thomas, butcher, Point lane near
Green Mount
Grafton Chas, clerk, 409 w Fayette
Grafton John, sail maker, 7 Hollins
Grafton McHenry, (Meixsel & G.) 109 w
Grafton Mrs. M. 109 w Fayette
Graham Amanda, 40 e Fayette
Graham Andrew, carpenter, 114 Aisquith
Graham Andrew, private hospital, 242 n
Graham Ann, 202 s Charles
Graham Benjamin ,carter,Che?ter s of Pratt
Graham Capt. Campbell, 64 Franklin
Graham Edward, bottler, under s w cor.
Baltimore and Sharp, dw 169 n Canal
Graham Ellis L. C. carpenter, 8 George
Graham Francis, tailor, 226 s Paca
Graham Frederick, cabinetmkr. 81 Cider al
Graham James, (G. & Moore) 40 Fayette
Graham Jas. pattern maker, 400 s Charles
Graham James, shipwright, Cambridge,
Graham James, blacksmith, 308 Canton av
Graham John, cor. Fremont and German
GRAHAM JOHN, bookseller, 520 w Bal-
timore, dw 20 Scott
Graham John, (Potee, G. & McKinley)
248 Aisquith
Graham Jos. F. (Creighton & G.) 185 East
Graham Margaret, confectioner, 109 Wolle
Graham Matilda, 76 Saratoga
Graham Michael, grocer, 100 Canal
Graham & Moore, grocers and com. mts
98 Dugan's wharf
Graham Phenix, laborer, 366 Light
Graham Robert, carpenter, 315 Mulberry
Graham Robert.grocer and com. mercht. 98
Dugan's whf. dw 19 Albemarle
Graham Capt. Robert, 295 Light
Graham Sarah A. 71 s Ann
Graham Wm. blacksmith, 45 Scott
Graham Wm. H. agent Brown Bros. & Co
16 Holiday
Graham Wm. cabinetmaker, 109 Jefferson
Graham Capt. Wm. com.mt. and President
Merchants' Mut. Ins. Co. Commercial
buildings, s Gay, dw 130 n Charles
GRAHAME ISRAEL J. apoth. and drug
gist, 354 w Baltimore, dw 82 Columbia
Grain John M. furn. wagoner, 112 Regeste
Grainger Capt. Levin, 314 s Charles
Graininger John, tinner, 9 Colvert al
Grama Joseph, surgical inst, maker, cor
Dover and Camden lane
Grandroot Mary A. grocery, 253 s Bond
GRANGE WM. & CO. com. and general
mts. office Balt. Shovel and Spade Manuf.
Co. 119 w Lombard
Grange Wm. (W. G. & Co.) Beach Hill
Franklin Square
Granger Geo. R. 185 w Lombard
Granger Mrs. F. toy and variety store, 94 n
GRANGER HENRY, 185 w Lombard
Granger John, 44 Diamond
Granger Matthew, segar maker, 50 George
Granger Nathaniel, laborer, Bevan al near
Grant Ann R. Eldorado House, 267 e Lom-
Grant &Bro. com. merchts. 67 Lombard,
Exchange place
Grant Edward, teacher, 216 e Lombard
Grant George W. blacksmith, 125 s High
Grant Jas. B. (G. &. Bro.) 61 St Paul
Grant Jas. A. tailor, 134 Conway
Grant Jas. drayman, 29 Stirling
Grant Joseph P. 61 St Paul
Grant Joseph W. ship carp.161 Washington
Grrant Thomas, tailor, 140 s Greene
Grant Xen. hat & cap mak. 498 w Baltimore
Grape Andrew, trunk mak. 131 Monument
Grape Mrs. Charlotte, 137 e Monument
Grape George S. principal public school
No. 9, 137 e Monument
Grape Jacob, bacon dealer, 97 Hillea
Grape John, wood dealer, 36 Granby
Grape Peter, grocery, 170 n Howard
Grasmick John, laborer, 45 Albemarle
Gratz Sarah A. 105 Mulberry
Grau Francis, shoemaker, 104 n Dallas
Gratzensteiny Peter, carter, 187 Raborg
Graue Hammond H. (Wilkens & Co.) 168
Grauer Ignatius, dry goods deal. 336 n Gay
Grauling George, shoemak. 7 Cuba, L. P.
Grauff August, tailor, 70 n Spring
Gravel George, laborer, 296 Franklin
Gravel Peter, Dolphin near Bolton
Gravenstine Jas.H.wire worker, 15 Holland
Graves Dr. John J. near Liberty road
Gray Adelaide, 45 s Caroline
Gray Alexander, clerk, 128 Pearl
Gray Andrew, (Kelsey & G.) 58 e Balto
Gray Ann L. 164 w Lombard
Gray Ann M. 150 Light street whf
Gray Benjamin, tailor, w Pratt
Gray Bernard, grocer, 127 Holliday
Gray Charles E. brickmaker, 164 s Paca
Gray Francis E. painter, 103 Wolfe
Gray Francis W. cracker agent, 10 s Bond
Gray George W. huckster, 18 s Bond
Gray George W. laborer, 37 Durham
Gray Henry, clerk, 34 Boyd
Gray Henry, moulder, Boyd
Gray Henry B. constable, 192 e Fayette
Gray Hugh, 8 1/2 Addison
Gray J. L. carpenter, 527 w Baltimore, dw
Calhoun near Baltimore
Gray James, Baltimore Bear Calhoun
Gray James, brickmaker, 298 s Charles
Gray James A. painter, 138 Bank
Gray James T. carpenter, Howard, dw 276