June Court 1761 92
Somerset fst Know all men by these presents that We John Collins, John Riggen and Elias White of Somerset
County are held and firmly bound unto John Collins, Margaret Collins, Katherine Collins, William Collins and
Sarah Collins Representatives of Samuel Collins deceased in the full and Just Sum of One hundred and Twenty
Pounds Curt Money of Maryland to be paid to the Said John Margaret, Katherine William and Sarah Collins
them or Any of them their or Any of their heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns to the which payment well
and truly to be made and done we bind our Selves and Each of us our and Each of our heirs Executors Admrs. for the
Whole and in the whole Joyntly and Severally firmly by these Presents Sealed with our Seals and dated this 17th.
day of June Anno Dom. 1761 The Condition of the above Obligation is Such that Whereas the Commissary
Generall hath transmitted unto this Court the Account of the Estate of Samll. Collins decd. Wherein it is found
that there is a Ballance due to the Abovesaid Representatives the Sum of Sixty Pound Six Shillings and Eleven pence
farthing Current Money therefore if the abovesaid John Collins, John Riggen and Elias White them or Any of
them their or Any of their heirs Executors Admrs. do and Shall Well and truly pay or Cause to be paid unto
the abovesaid Representatives the afd. Sum of Sixty Pound Six Shillings and Eleven pence farthing Curt. Money
According to Act of Assembly when they Shall Arrive at full Age to Receive the Same then the above Obligation
to be Void Else to Remain in full force and Virtue
Seale & Delivered |
John Collins {Seal} |
In Presents of |
John Riggen {Seal} |
Joseph Gilliss |
Elias White {Seal} |
Samuel Addams |
Somerset fst Know all men by these Presents that we Gowon Right, Thomas Sloss and Thomas Aikman
of Somerset County are held and firmly bound unto Sarah Right, John Right and Rebecca Right Representatives
of Henry Wright decd. in the full and Just Sum of Eight hundred and Sixty Two Pound Seventeen Shillings and five
Pence Curt Money of Maryland to be paid to the Said Sarah, John & Rebecca Wright to them or Any of them
their or Any of their heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns to the Which payment Well and truly to be
Made and done we bind our Selves and Each of us our and Each of our heirs Executors or Administrators for the
Whole and in the Whole Joyntly and Severally firmly by these Presents Sealed with our Seals and dated this 17th.
day of June Anno Dom. 1761 The Condition of the above Obligation is Such that Whereas the
Commissary Generall hath transmitted unto this Court the Account of the Estate of Henry Wright decd. wherein
it is found that there is a Ballance due to the above Said Representatives the Sum of four hundred and thirty
One Pound Eight Shillings and Eight pence half penny Current Money therefore if the abovesaid Gowon
Right, Thomas Sloss and THomas Aikman them or any of them their or Any of their heirs Executors or
Admrs. do and Shall well and truly pay or Cause to be paid unto the abovesaid Representatives the Sum of
four hundred and thirty One pound Eight Shillings and Eight pence half penny Curt. Money According to Act of
Assembly when they Shall Arrive at full Age to Receive the Same then the above Obligation to be Void Else to
Remain in full force and Virtue
Sealed and Delivered |
Gowon Right {Seal} |
In Presents of |
Thomas Sloss {Seal} |
John Jones |
Thomas Aikman {Seal} |
Thos. Holbrook |
Somerset fst Know all Men by these Presents that we Jacob Adams, Samuel Adams and Elias White of
Somerset County are held and firmly bound unto Collins Adams, Isaac Adams, Mary Adams and Phillip Adams Representatives
of Tabitha Adams decd. in the full and Just Sum of three hundred and Sixty One Pound One Shilling and Two pence
Curt. Money of Maryland to be paid to the Said Collins, Issac, Mary and Phillip Adams them or Any of them their or
Any of their heirs Exrs. Admrs. or Assigns to the which payment Well and truly to be made and done we bind our Selves
and Each of us our and Each of our heirs Exrs. or Admrs. for the Whole and in the Whole Jointly and Severally firmly by
these Presents Sealed with our Seals and dated this 17th day of June Anno Dom. 1761
The Condition of the above Obligation is Such that Whereas the Commissary Generall hath transmitted