November Court 1760 59
Somerset fst the Jurors for his Lordship the Right Honble ye Lord Propry that is now
for ye Body of Somerset County afd. on their Oath Present that William Hailey late
of the Parish of Somerset in ye. County afd. Planter on ye xvii Day of October Anno
Dom. MDCCLX at ye Parish afd. in ye County afd. with force and Arms in and upon
a Certain James Polk in ye. Peace of God & ye. said Lord and Propry then and there
Being an Assault did make and him ye said James then & there did beat wound
And Evilly Treat so that of his Life it was much Dispaired and other harms to him
The Said James then and there did to ye. great Damage of him ye said James and
Against ye. Peace of his Lordship ye. Right Honble ye. Lord Propry that now is his
good Rule and government &c.
On ye. Back of ye. foregoing Bill of Indictment it was thus Indorsed Vizt
Test. James Polk Noe true Bill
Somerset fst Know all men by these presents that Solomon Tull, Joshua Tull and William Tull
of Somerset County gent are held and firmly Bound unto Charles Tull, Handy Tull, Samuell Tull
Levin Tull & Rachell Tull Representatives of Thomas Tull decd in the full and Just sum of Seven:
:ty four Pounds Nine shillings and three Pence half Penny Current money of Maryland to be paid
to the said Charles Tull, Handy Tull, Samuell Tull, Levin Tull & Rachell Tull them or any of them their
or any of their Heirs Exrs. Admrs. or Assigns to the which payment well and Truly to be made
& Done We Bind our selves and Each of us our and Each of our Heirs Exrs. Admrs. for ye. whole
& in ye whole Jointly & severally firmly by these Presents sealed with our seals & Dated
This 18th. Day of Novr. Anno Dom. 1760
The Condition of the above Obligation is Such that Whereas ye. Commisary General hath
Transmitted unto the Court the Account of ye. Estate of Thomas Tull Decd. where it is found
That there is a Ballance due to the abovesaid Representatives ye. sum of thirty seven Pounds
four shillings & seven Pence three farthings Current Money therefore if ye. abovesaid Solomon
Tull, Joshua Tull & William Tull them or any of them their or any of their Heirs Exrs Admrs.
do and shall well and truly pay or Couse to be paid unto the abovesaid Representatives the
afd. sum of thirty seven Pounds four shillings and seven Pence three farthings Current money
According to Act of Assembly and Decd. will when they shall Arive at full age to receive
The same then ye. above obligation to be Void Else to remain in full force & virtue
Sealed & Delivered |
Solomon Tull {seal} |
In presence of |
Joshua Tull {seal} |
William Pollit |
William Tull {seal} |
Thos. Holbrook |
Novr. 19th. 1760 Recd of Sarah Lank thirty shillings for a fine for fornication
By J Dennis shef