Volume 543, Page 229b View pdf image |
June Court 1763 229 In the same Court should be rendred that then he the Same Mitchell the afd Debt and also all the damages to him the said Robert by occasion of the detention of the afd Debt against him the said Mitchell in our same court here should be assessed or in any manner adjudged he would satisfy or his body in Executi -on to the prison of the sheriff of the county afd in satisfaction of such Judgement he would render or that he the said Thomas Ralph would do the same for him and altho the afd. Robert afterwards To witt the afd. 17th day of August and year afd. in our same Court before the Afd. Sampson Wheatly and his Associates then our Justices of our County Court of Somerset held at Princes Ann Town afd and by consideration of the same Court Recovered against the afd Mitchell King as well the afd Debt of three pounds four shillings and one penny Current money and Two hundred and fifteen Pounds of Tobacco which to the same Robert in our same court were adjudged for his damages which he had by occasion of the detention of that Same debt whereof he is convict as by the record and proceedings thereof in our same court before our Justices at Princess Ann Town now remaining manifestly appeareth Nevertheless the afsd Mitchell him the said Robert the debt & damages afd hath not as yet satisfied nor in no wise Rendred his body in Execution of such Judgement for the debt and damages afd to the prison of the sheriff of the county afd according to the form and effect of the Recognizances afd. as by the Information of the same Robert in our same court we have received and because we are willing that these things which in our Same court are Rightly done should be duly execu -ted We command you that by honest and Lawfull men of your bailywick you make known unto the afd Thomas Ralph that he before our Justices at our next Court to be held at princess Ann Town in and for the county afd the third tuesday of June then next Following to shew cause if any thing for himself he hath or knoew to say why the said Robert Handy ought not To have his Execution against him for his said debt and damages afsd according to the Force form and effect of the Recognizance afsd if to him it shall seem expedi -ent and have you then & there the names of them by whom to him you make the same known and this writt witness Sampson Wheatly Esqr one of our Justices of our said court the 19th Day of March in the 12th year of our Dominion &c Anno Dom. 1763 Thomas Hayward JCl. Att which day here came the afd Robert Handy by Josiah Polk his Attorney and the sheriff to witt Ephraim Wilson now here returned that he by Virtue of the writt afd made known unto the afd Thomas Relph by Joseph Scroggin and John Doe good and lawfull Men of his bailywick that he should be and appear before the Justices within mentioned on the day and place within contained to shew cause as to him within it was commanded &c And the said Thomas Ralph altho so forewarned being Solemnly called to shew cause came not but made default and upon this the said Robert Handy prays Execution against the said Thos Ralph for the damages afsd according to the form and effect of the recognizance afd therefore it is considered that the afd Robert Handy have Execution against the afd Thomas Ralph for the damages afd in the Scire facias afd mentioned according to the Force form and effect of the Recognizance afd also it is considered that the afd Robert Handy recover against the afd Thomas Ralph 186 pounds of Tobacco for his costs and charges sustained by means of the delay of the Execution of the Judgement afd and that the afd Robert have thereof Execution &c
-merset to be held at princess Ann Town the third tuesday of June Anno Dom. one thousand seven hundred and sixty three to answer unto Outerbridge Horsey of a plea of trespass upon the case and So forth and the same day is given to the afd Outerbridge here &c And hereupon the afd Outerbridge Horsey complained against the afd George Hasten in the plea afd in form follo -wing Somerset fst George Hasten Late of Somerset County planter was attached to answer unto Outerbridge Horsey of a plea of trespass upon the case &c And Whereupon the said Outer -bridge by William Hayward his Attorney complains that whereas the said George on the eighteenth day November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred Sixty and two at somerset county afsd Was |
Volume 543, Page 229b View pdf image |
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