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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1760-1763
Volume 543, Page 147b   View pdf image
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               June Court                      1762                      147
Jonathan Stott    Somerset fst Frederick Absolute Lord and Propry of the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of
Commission and    Baltemore &c. To Ephraim King, Alexander Roberson, George Gale and Elgat Hitch of Somerset County Greeting
Affidavits    know ye that we have Appointed you or Any three or two of You to be our Commissioners to Examine
Evidences on behalf of a Certain Jonathan Stott of the County afd. in Relation to the bounds of four Tracts of Land Called
Supply Diers Lott, Blackwater and What you please or the Bounds of Any other Land on which the Same may depend we
therefore Require you or Any three or two of you at Some time and place as to you or Any three or two of You Shall Seem
Convenient You meet on the afd. Land Called Supply, Diers Lott, Black Water, and What you please or Any other Land on which
the Same may depend You first having taken Your Oaths on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God and there Cause to Come before
You or Any three or two of you all Such Evidences as Shall be to you or Any three or two of you Nominated by the Said Complainant
or Deft. and that you or Any three or two of You Examine them upon their Corporall Oaths to be by you or Any three or two of
you Administred on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God in the presence of the Complainant or Deft. if Any Touching the
truth or Remembrance of their knowledge or Any thing that may Relate to the Cause afd. and that Reduceing the Several
Depositions into Writing you Send the Same with this our Commission under Your or Any three or two of Your hands &
Seals to us to our County Court of Somerset with all Convenient Speed Witness Thomas Hayward Esqr Chief Justice of
our Said Court the 21st day of November Anno Dom. 1755
           And now to witt at a Court of his Lordship held at Princes Ann Town the third Tuesday of June being the
fifteenth day of the Same Month Anno Dom. 1762 before the Justices thereof Came George Gale and Elgat Hitch
two of the Gentlemen Nominated in the within Commission and Returned the Same Endorsed in Manner following with
the Severall Depositions thereto Annexed    Somerset County Aprill the 24th day 1756 Was George Gale Jur and Elgat Hitch
Sworn on the holy Evangs. of Allmighty God to Execute the above Commissn. Agreeable to the directions of an Act of Assembly of this
Province                                                                                                 before    Isaac Handy
   Somert. fst We the Subscribers two of the persons Appointed in the within Commission to Examine Evidences in
Relation to the bounds of the Lands therein mentioned do hereby Certify that being thereto Qualified and having Given the
Proper Notice According to Law we met on the said Lands on the 30th day of April 1756 and Likewise on the 6th day
of May 1758 and took the depositions hereto Annexed       Witness our hands and Seals
                                                                                                                         Geo: Gale
                                                                                                                         Elgat Hitch
      Benjamin Venables Aged 49 Years being Sworn on the holy Evangelist of Almighty
God this 30th day of Aprill Anno Dom. 1756 deposeth and Saith that he has Sundry times heard his father Joseph
Venables Say that the White Oak tree the Stump of which he now Sheweth us was the first bounder of a tract of Land Called
What you please and this Deponant further Saith that he has Likewise heard William Keens Say that the Said Oak
was the first bounder of the Said Land and further Saith not                                               Benjn Venables
Sworn before Geo: Gale Elgat Hitch } The above mentioned Stump Stands on a point of Land About 50 Yards from the Lower End
thereof on the Eastermost Side of the Creek next Above Jonathan Stotts House
        Benjamin Venables Aged 51 Years being Sworn on the holy Evangelists of Almighty God this 6th of May
Anno Dom. 1758 deposeth and Saith that About 40 years Ago he was present when the Land Justices were upon this
Land Called What you please and that William Keens then Acknowledged that the Second Bounder of the Said Land
Called What you please had Stood near where he then was at which place this Deponant Saith the Land Justices afd.
Marked a Black Oak which formerly Stood where we now are and further this Deponant Saith not    Benjn Venables
      Pasque Bartlet Aged 44 years being Sworn on the holy Evangelists of Almighty God this 30th day of Aprill 1756
deposeth and Saith that about Seventeen Years Ago he was at Work with Robert Givans Getting of pieces for the old
Meeting house and that Capn. John Handy decd. Came and forewarned them from Getting Any More pieces there it being his
Land and Shewed him a tree which formerly Stood where we now are) and that the Said Handy told him that the Said
tree was a bounder of a tract of Land belonging to Capn. Joseph Venables and further that the Said Handy told them
that his Line Struck the old Meeting house and further this deponant Saith not

Pasque      Bartlet

      Francis Lank Aged About 85 Years being Sworn on the holy Evangelists of Almighty God this 6th of May
1758 deposeth and Saith that About 40 Years Ago he was present when the Land Justices Caused an Oak tree
to be marked for a Bounder of a tract of Land then belonging to Capn. Joseph Venables which Said tree this
Deponant Saith formerly Stood near where we now Are And further Saith not

Francis      Lank



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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1760-1763
Volume 543, Page 147b   View pdf image
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