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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1760-1763
Volume 543, Page 147   View pdf image
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             June Court                 1761                      147
two of you all Such Evidences as Shall be to you or Any three or two of you Nominated by the Said Complainant or
Deft. and that you or Any three or two of you Examine them upon their Corporall Oaths to be by you or Any three or
two of you Administred on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God in the presence of the Complainant or deft. if any
touching the truth or Remembrance of their knowledge or Any thing that may Relate to the Cause afd. and that
Reduceing the Severall Depositions into Writing you Send the Same with this our Commission under your
or Any three or two of your hands and Seals to us to our County Court of Somerset with all Convenient Speed
Witness Isaac Handy Esqr. one of our Justices of our Said Court the 18th day of June Anno Dom. 1761
           And now to witt at a Court of his Lordship held at Princes Ann Town the third Tuesday of June
being the fifteenth day of the Same Month Anno Dom. 1762 before the Justices thereof Came Josephas
Bell and Isaac Coulbourn two of the Gentlemen Nominated in the within Commission and Returned the
Same Endorsed in Manner following with the Severall depositions thereto Annexed
      July ye 21st: day 1761 Then was Isaac Coulbourn and Josephas Bell Qualified to Execute the within Commission
Agreeable to An Act of Assembly of Maryland in Such Case made and provided      before    SWheatly
Somerset County fst The Deposition of Henry Lord Aged fifty Two Years or thereabout being Sworn on
the holy Evangels of Almighty God deposeth as follows that About Sixteen Years Ago he was present
when old John Riggen who was Examined by William Turpin and Samson Wheatly who was in Commission to
Examine Witnesses in Relation to the bounds of Land that John Daugherty then possest declared as follows
that he the Said Riggen Lived on old Joneses Land as a tennant and that he was going along the Marsh that
Leads from Daughertys Landing to the plantation where Rachell Daugherty now lives in Company with old
Jones who at that time possessed the Land that John Williams now Lives on and that the Came to a Marked
Pine which now Stands in the Side of the afd. Marsh and about three hundred and Eighteen Yards from
Daughertys Landing and found a Servant Man belonging to the afd. Jones Cutting the afd. pine and that
Jones did Chide him in a hasty Manner And told him that tree devided his Land And the Land of
Nathaniel Daugherty and that the Land to the Southward belonged to Daugherty and to the Northward
belonged to him Self and this Deponant further Saith that the afd. Riggen declared it was a bounder of a tract
of Land Called Usk and this Deponant further Saith not                                          Henry Lord
   Somerset County fst    The Deposition of William Riggen Aged forty two Years or thereabouts being
Sworn on the holy Evangels of Almighty God deposeth as follows that about Sixteen Years ago his father
John Riggen was Sworn as abovesaid (by Henry Lord) and that his father John Riggen declared that Mr Jones
told him that the Marked pine discribed in Henry Lords deposition was a bounder of his Land & of Daughertys
Land and that his Land Went no farther then that tree and this deponant further Saith his father declared
he had Lived on Mr. Joneses Land and further Saith not                                     William Riggen
Somerset County fst    The Deposition of Henry Lord Aged fifty Two years or there About being Sworn on the holy
Evangels of Almighty God deposeth as follows Vizt that old John Daugherty Shewed him a Marked White Oak
Standing in a Mirtle Swamp to the Eastward of the pine discribed in his Above deposition and William Riggins
Deposition And told him it was the Second bounder of the tract of Land Called Usk and further Saith not
                                                                                                                         Henry Lord
John Williams Entred Defendant at whose Request the following deposition was taken
Somerset County fst The Deposition of William Coulbourn Aged fifty four or thereabout being Sworn on the holy
Evangelist of Almighty God deposeth as follows (Vizt.) that about thirty five Years Ago old Francis More
Shewed him a Marked pine Stump which Apeared to have been Marked With Sixteen Marks and told him it
was a bounder of Joneses Land And that the Stump Stood fifteen or twenty Yards in the Marsh that Leads from
Daughertys Landing to the plantation that Rachell Daugherty now Lives on and And About three hundred
and Twenty five Yards to the Southward of the tree discribed in Henry Lords deposition but no Stump now
Appears and further Saith not                                                    William Coulbourn Jr.
This is to Certifie that on this day to wit on the Twelfth day of August in the Year of our Lord God one thousand
Seven hundred and Sixty two Agreeable to our publick Advertisement Set up at Great Church Door the twenty Second
of July Last past we did Meet on the Land Called Usk and took the Severall Depositions herein Mentioned to wit
the Depositions of Henry Lord, William Riggen, and William Coulbourn Given under Our hands and Seals
this day and Year above Written
                                                                                                               Josephas Bell
                                                                                                               Isaac Coulbourn

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1760-1763
Volume 543, Page 147   View pdf image
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